Chapter 2

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**Stacy's POV**

I slowly woke up, as I did all the memories from yesterday came flooding back, I screwed up my eyes and hugged Ben tightly.

"Oh, good morning, baby" he said, in a very sleepy voice, "You okay? Did you have a nightmare?" he sounded concerned.

"No. I'd forgotten all of yesterday and the whole day just flashed in my mind" I said, following with "I'm sorry" much more quieter.

"Baby, don't be sorry. You're alive. That's all that matters. I'm still here, and I'm gonna stay by your side. No matter what, okay?" he showed me his pinky.

"Okay." I smiled slightly and hooked his pinky with mines. " I love you" I whispered.

"I love you too" he grinned, before kissing my head.

We lay in bed for a while. I questioned him, not understanding why he hadn't slept. Then it hit me. What the hell did the Police ask him? Did they accuse him of harming me? Did they think he was to blame?

"Ben," I paused and took a deep breath " Why didn't you sleep? I've managed to come to the conclusion by myself that something the Police said, done or asked has really, really got to you. What is it, Ben? What's wrong? What did they do to you?" I said, interrogating. He sighed, and sat up, I sat up with him, in front of him and held his hands.

"Don't freak, okay baby?" I nodded, he sighed again then continued "They showed me mug shots. Of.. Of..." he struggled

" Of who, Ben?" I held his hand tighter.

"Of him, and all the others you were once with in that disastrous 'friendship' group." he paused, I'd felt at ease. But the second he mentioned his name I felt sick. It suddenly felt like my heart had sunk and all my sanity had disintegrated. What has that monster got to do with me anymore? Did, did Ben know about what he'd been doing? I didn't tell him. The only person I told was- Danny.Danny must have opened his big mouth again. God damn it!

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