Chapter 3

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I never should have told him, I thought to myself. Why did I think I could trust anyone? I sat in silence, Ben waited patiently for me to say something, I released the grip on his hands and stared blankly at the wall, with my hand at my lips, biting my nails.

"I want to talk to Danny" I said sternly.

"Danny? Why Danny?" Ben asked, he had a small amount of fear in his voice, and confusion.

"Yes. Danny." I paused "is there a problem with that?" He could tell I was pissed.

"N-no baby girl, of course not. We can head ov-" I stopped him

"Not we, Ben. Me. You can take me if you want. But I want to see Danny alone." I felt my blood begin to boil. How could my bestfriend betray me like this? Ben sighed.

"Alright, get ready. I'll take you and make sure none of the guys are there." He said, softly.

Thirty minutes later

We had both got ready, I waited agitated in the living room whilst Ben cleaned his lip piercings. Finally he was done, he kissed me gently and grabbed his car keys.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked, picking up his ciggarette packet and lighter.

"Oh, I'm ready. He better be" I cracked my neck, before Ben placed a cigarette between my cold, chaped lips and sparked it for me. I took a long draw from it before taking his hand and heading to the car with him. Danny's house wasn't far, I put on Ben's sunglasses he had lying in the car and sat in the passanger seat with my arm leaning on the open window. I puffed the cigarette, and stayed quiet. We arrived, I threw the cigarette to the ground and went to push the car door open, but before I had the chance to storm off Ben grabbed my arm, very gently.

"Calm down" he said. I said nothing, and climbed out the car, slamming the door behind me and marching into Danny's house with Ben following me.

"Danny we need to fucking talk!" I screamed.

"Stacy!" I heard James shout, and I heard his and someone else's footsteps come towards me. Quickly, James and Sam appeared infront of me, trying to hug me.

"Not now. Where's Danny?" I asked, pulling of the sunglasses.

"Uh, he's in the kitchen" James said "you alright?" I ignored him and barged passed them both.

"Guys, c'Mon out she needs a rant at him" I heard Ben say, followed by "alone." I continued to storm through the long hall, living room and finally stood at the kitchen door.

"You son of a bitch" I said. With no emotion. Danny turned around in shock

"I beg your pardon" he said, sarcasticaly, thinking I'd been joking but quickly realizing I wasn't. "What's this all about?" He asked, puzzled.

"You fucking told him!" I screamed

"told who, what?" He screamed back, confusion convered his face.

"You fucking told Ben about what I told you in confidence! I told you and only you! You had no right!" I stomped down. "You cunt!"

"Hold the fuck up! Alright! I told him, I told him because I thought he had he bloody right to know the love of his life was being harassed, okay?" He said in defence, apologeticly.

"i told you, Daniel I-" he stopped me

"Whoa, Daniel? Fucking really? We're not in pre-school, addressing me with my formal name isn't going to scare me" he snarled.

"Fuck you. I told you, Danny! You! Not Ben! Not anyone! I didn't want Ben to know!" I screeched, a tear streaming down my cheek.

"He was going to find out some time, Stacy and you know it! The prick .  is a creep! You were a kid when he tricked you into falling for him. He's mentally fucked up! You know that! He was following you, stalking you online, you were scared! It wasn't hard to see that" he said, more calmly. I began to cry. "Don't fucking cry. You know what that does to me, Stace" he said, with an obvious lump in his throat.

"How can't I? I'm still fucking terrified" I whimpered, he wrapped his arms around me and I cried with my head against his chest.

"I'm sorry... He needed to know" he said, I nodded in agreement.

Some time passed. We'd gone through a 10 super king pack of cigarette's already. We had talked shit through and calmed down. I texted Ben to come back in. They all came back, reaking of smoke and alcohol. Ben crashed out on the couch next to me and pouted his lips for a kiss, I kissed him before snuggling into him, sleepily.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2015 ⏰

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