The Tale of the Lake Beast on Foggy Island

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Mason stood at the phone. It was held up to his ear as he played with the cord. The phone on the other end rang in his ear. His chest felt heavy. He patiently waited.


The person picked up.

"Hello? Who is this?" Came the familiar female voice on the other end. It was his mother.

"H-hey mom. I-it's me, M-Mason." He said as he swallowed a lump in his throat.

"MASON?! WHERE THE HE- *Clears throat* Where are you?" She responded. Her voice was sickly sweet.

"I.... I'm not quite sure? Mom.... I was kidnapped.... BUT! But I managed to get away. I'm with some kind people now. Stanford Pines and his great niece." He mentioned his great uncle & sister's names with venom. He couldn't believe she haden't told him about his own family.

"Y-your with who?" His mother's scared voice came.

"You heard me. I'm with my great uncle." He said as his face turned to the floor, trying to control his anger. "Y-you said all of dad's family was dead. Y-you said dad took off on us.... So.... So why can they show me official divorce papers?! How can I have a twin sister if I was born and only child?! And how is it that they can show me tapes of your divorce hearing where even you admitted to che-......Why would you lie to me?" He was on the verge of tears now as he looked down at the table. On it sat a small shoebox with letters. Each one was addressed to Mason, but they all also had 'Return To Sender' written on them in his Mother's handwriting.

"......." Her end went silent. She didn't even make a sound. All he could here was the background of the Hotel.

"I'm calling off the tour." He said with finality. "You can give me whatever punishment you want later, but I'm staying here for the rest of the Summer so I can get to know the family that WON'T lie to me."

"Mason... Where are you? I'm coming to get you so stop talking nonsense." She replied.

"Forget it. I'm not telling you til the Summer ends." He finished off with before hanging up. He then called another number. When the phone picked up he smiled.

"Hey, Vea, can..... Can I talk to you?" A tear rolled down his cheek.

"Of course! Where have you been?! I've been worried sick!" Came the sound of Vea's voice. It sounded like she'd been crying.

"I'm.... I'm okay. I.... I just..... I have a LOT to tell you..." He said.

(A few hours later.)

Mason walked out on the porch to see Soos & Ford packing up a truck with fishing supplies. "What are you guys doing?" He asked them, causing Mabel to walk over to him.

Mason looked to his twin in curiosity as she held out a fishing poll to him. "It's family fishing day! Come on! You'll miss it!" She said in joy. Mason just took the rod and shrugged. What could go wrong?

When they got there Soos drove the boat so the Pines could focus on their bonding. Right before they could go though Wendy suddenly jumped on.

"What are you doing here?" He asked in surprise. Wendy looked to him and gave a small chuckle. "I'd rather be here then with my Pa." She said as she pointed back at her Father being all he-man with her brothers. Mason just nodded.

Once everyone was ready they set out on the lake. Mason looked over at the water as the sun shimmered off it. He felt calm.....well.... that is before someone suddenly said "BOO!" as they poked his sides. This made him jump and let out a small scream as a *PLOP* was heard as his new phone fell in the lake.

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