sun god's admirer

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████  ₊˚ A boy with taunting silver rings decorating his bruise-kissed hands has just felt his heart soften. Panic rises from the depths of hell as he realizes what has happened, this was very rare for him. This boy has not felt monarch butterflies flutter in his stomach and fly up his throat ever since his first love. Now, however, he has felt his heart soften for the sun. A boy radiating the aura of the sun god himself, with the prettiest glowing skin and eyes that held secrets deeper and darker than hell.
This boy does not believe in soulmates. Stories of lovers having their hearts tied by a red string and searching the corners of the earth to find each other were pitiful and looked down upon by the honey boy with silver rings. He didn't believe in myths, but seeing a boy so beautiful and radiant right infront of his eyes made him believe in gods.

What is love like? the boy with silver rings often used to ask himself. Love is what I feel when I see the boy with stardust for skin; he's a fucking angel, he finally answers.

The boy with silver rings was known as Lucas, according to his friends that lived on street corners. The same friends who vandalized walls with the devil's spit and littered the ground with needles that delivered the ecstasy of heaven.

Talk. Talk. Talk to him. Say something! Lucas' mind raced with thoughts of how to talk to his sun. He softly watched from afar as the boy with glowing skin glanced at the sky and smirked, challenging the gods with his fierce gaze of blood-moon hatred.

████  ₊˚  On the opposite side of the road, Donghyuck felt a piercing gaze follow his every move and crave the lemon lollipop hanging from his peach-flavored lips. He smirked at the sun and laughed.

I've caught another, he quietly thought to himself. He ran his gem-adorned hands through his flame-bitten hair all while making eye contact with the mystery boy.

Hearts fluttered everywhere that boy went.

Tipsy boy with silver rings (lucas) has felt his heart soften for the least soft person walking on this rotten earth, the boy with glowing skin.

❝Lemon lollipop spit, shining on peach flavored lips,
cursed a boy to hallucinate about glowing stardust
skin tracing unknown constellations onto a smo-
-oth canvas exposing lilac bruises and silver rings❞

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