Stuff Happens

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As promised above is Nate Gray portrayed by Dylan O'Brien, 

Sorry if I don't get much of the story done in the next couple of days, I've been stressed with school and family is visiting. 

Back to the story.

"You don't need to say anything if you don't believe me," I explained," I'm used to people not believing me."

"I believe you," Christine said," What I don't understand is how can someone do that to a child. Don't worry your safe here and I'm not gonna go to the police unless you want me to. Your also not gonna go back to your house, you can stay with us in the guest room for a little while if you want to."

"No its okay," I tried to explain, while having tears dried to my face," I have to get home soon, Tyler is able to track me no matter what." 

"No I insist you stay here.." Christine was about to say something else but Nate walked in and interrupted her,

"Do you want me to make dinner," Nate asked," Hey you okay?" He looked straight at me.

"Uh yea I'm fine," I couldn't talk to him, especially right now. He's one of the "popular" kids at school and knowing them they will bully you if they see you crying.

Nate's P.O.V

Jay didn't look like she was okay, she had tears dried to her face and looked like she was about to start crying again. I've got to admit this is the first time I've seen her without her hoodie and she doesn't look like all the other girls from school. All the other girls have pounds of makeup on, clothes that barely cover anything, and they also act like a bunch of little hoes. Jay doesn't look or act like the other girls, she's herself and no one else at school is like that. I was thinking and just standing there when my thoughts were interrupted.

"Hello Earth to Nate," Christine said," You don't have to make it I'll go down there and make it. What you can do is show your new guest around the house."

"Your staying here?" That sounded a lot more meaner then I meant to sound.

"If it's not okay with you then I won't stay," Jay said. Great now I've made her feel unwanted here. 

"No it's fine," now I can see why I hate talking to people that are like her. 

"If you can't be nice to her then just go to your room," Christine said," I'll show her around."

"What are you gonna treat her better than your own son," I regretted that as soon as I said it," That's just messed up. I'm out, if you need me oh wait you won't."

I couldn't help it I walked out of there and went to my room. As soon as I got in there I shut, no I slammed the door shut but I also heard talking from the guest room then someone walking down the stairs most likely my mother. This is gonna suck, for one Jay is gonna hate me for how I talked about her, damn guys like me are really mean. I had a lot on my mind so I decided to put music on and since I was pissed at my mom I had the music blaring loud which I was gonna regret in like twenty minutes. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a knock on my door, god why can't my mother leave me alone. I got up to answer the door.

"God what do you want," I said but then I realized it was Jay," Shit sorry I didn't know it was you."

"I get it, acting like you didn't mean to say that," Jay said acting like she knew that I was gonna say that," Never mind, your mom wants you downstairs."

"Are you okay," I asked," I know my mother and I also know she wouldn't want you walking around especially while your hurt really bad."

"I'm okay," Jay said unsure," and you were pretty harsh on your mom back there. She wasn't treating me better than y.."

"Don't start with that bullshit," I said very angry," You don't know anything about me and my mom. How would you like it if your mom treated someone that she hardly knew better than you, huh. Would you want your mom.."

"You know what I'm sorry for even coming over here," Jay said upset," and I wouldn't know how it felt for my mom treating someone that isn't her kid better because I lost my mom awhile ago. But that doesn't matter to people like you, I'll be in the guest room if you or your mom need me."

And I just messed shit up with our new guest. What a great person I am. That was sarcasm. Maybe I should go to her room and apologize for what I said. Screw it I will later but I should go say sorry to my mom. As I was walking out of my room I saw my mom walk into Jay's room and shut the door so I followed over there and debated on if I should knock or not. Then while waiting I heard my mom say something to Jay, 

"Don't listen to Nate, he's a good kid just isn't used to other people living in the same house as us. It's only been me and him for a long time. He'll be nicer to you once he gets to know you."

"No its fine," Jay said," I understand he doesn't have his dad it's probably hard. I know how that is but technically I don't have either of my parents. My dad got in a car accident when I was five."

Oh shit I really messed up, maybe she'll forgive me if I apologize to her. I couldn't help it so I knocked on the door but man did I regret that as soon as my mom opened the door. 

"Nate?" Christine asked," How long were you standing there? And dinner is done if that's why your here."

"It's not why I'm here," I said," Can I talk to you out here?"

She nodded her head then looked to Jay and said she'll be right back.

"What's wrong," Christine asked," and how long were you actually here for."

"I was here to hear everything that you told her," I said," I messed up didn't I? I'm sorry mom, I didn't realize she didn't have either of her parents."

"It's okay," Christine said," You can apologize to her tomorrow she told me she was really tired so I'm just gonna let her sleep the rest of the night."


Is Nate gonna apologize to Jay? What's he gonna think about her now?

How's Jay gonna react when Nate apologizes to her? 

The next part is gonna be Nate apologizing to Jay and then Jay going back to school. Something happens to Jay again by Ashli and her minions and Tyler. 

Continue reading to find out what happens.

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