What's Next?

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  Hey sorry if I don't update the story for awhile, I've been really busy with school but it's almost over so after May 23 I will be able to update it a lot more. 

On with the story...

Jay's P.O.V

What just happened? That's all that was going through my mind. First off how did he even find me, and did he get caught from being at the hospital with a gun. Why? Out of everyone in this stupid world, why would he chose to try to kill me, his own freaking daughter. Because of that stupid "person", Nate is hurt. Christine said that we weren't going to the house but instead we were going to a "safe house" in the woods. This shall be fun, that was sarcasm. 

"How's Nate doing?" Christine asked.

"I'm fine," Nate said," This isn't the first time I got hurt this bad."

"What?" I asked," You've had this happen before."

"I'm not gonna answer that," Nate said.

"Out here you won't be able to get into fights and get hurt," Christine said.

"Where are we even going?" Nate asked, I just sat in the car looking out the window.

"You'll find out when we get there," Christine said," Jay are you okay?"

"Hm," I said," I'm okay."

"You don't seem okay," Nate said.

"You try having your stepfather come into the hospital and try to kill you," I explained, yes I know I wasn't okay but I wasn't going to tell them that. To be honest having to run out of the hospital while your hurt sucks.

The car was silent for a little while...

"When are we gonna be there?" Nate asked.

"We are still a couple hours away," Christine explained," Why don't you just rest until we get there."

I fell asleep for who knows how long, once I woke up I was on a bed in a dark room. I've had this experience before so I wasn't scared. I got up and headed for the door, I stopped when I heard talking.

"We can't stay here for long," Christine said," He'll find her and we can't have that happen."

"Where else are we supposed to go?" Nate asked.

I walked out of the room, I couldn't handle people talking about me behind my back;

"If you guys are just gonna talk about me," I said," you might as well say it while I'm in the same room."

"We weren't saying anything bad," Christine said. 

"Whatever," I said and shut the door. I didn't want to be hiding out for the rest of my life but I knew for a fact I was gonna until Tyler went to jail.

Nate's P.O.V

Great, I always am the one to mess everything up with people. I don't even know why I care so much it's just Jay is so much different than everyone else and when someone hurts her or upsets her it upsets me, ugh why do we have to have feelings. I walked over to Jay's room and knocked...

"Go away I don't want to talk to any of you right now," Jay explained.

"Harsh much," I said and walked in her room," We weren't saying anything bad so I don't understand why your mad at us."

"I'm mad because you guys think it's okay to talk about people behind their backs," Jay said," Even if it's not bad. Why am I even here with you guys, you don't even care most likely."

"If we didn't care then you wouldn't be here, safe," I explained," I may not care but my mom does so quit acting like nobody care's about you and go talk to my mom." 

I couldn't help it, I knew that what I said was mean but I also knew what I was saying was the truth so it didn't matter if Jay hates me for saying it. 

"Fuck you," Jay said," and get out okay I didn't want you in here in the first place."

"Watch your language," Christine said," Nate, what did you do this time."

"Who cares what he did," Jay said," I'm leaving, I can't be here I would rather get killed by my step father and his friends then be by people pretending to are about me."

Jay's P.O.V

I walked out of the room, down the stairs, and out of the door. When you have to live with people pretending to care about you, that doesn't make you want to stay there and that is exactly why I left. Yea I'm risking my life my leaving the house but I didn't care...

"Jay where are you going," Nate asked, " It's not safe out here, and you don't even know where we are."

"It doesn't matter if it's safe or not," I said," I can find my way around places but I'm not staying another day in the same house as you. I've already put you guys in enough danger." 

I continued walking not knowing where the heck I was but I didn't care. Me being scared as hell is not gonna stop me from going away from that house and if I have to I will find my way to get to Nebraska where my aunt lives. Maybe I could find a gas station or something, might be awhile because we are in the middle of nowhere. 

After walking for what felt like hours I finally was on an actual road but still no houses and stores. This was gonna take forever. I just kept walking down the roads, maybe it will lead me somewhere. I wonder if Nate and Christine were even worried, or if they were following me? Why was I worried about them? I didn't want to worry about anyone anymore, I just want to be by myself..... Something pulled me out of my thoughts, it was a car but it wasn't just any car. It looked familiar, crap Tyler's friends found me... I have to run. I saw a bridge and ran under it and hid, little did I know that they wouldn't follow someone they saw running... I saw the car pass the place I was hiding but it stopped and they got out, it looked like they were waiting for someone. I just sat where I was for an hour watching them, they had to be waiting for someone then finally another car showed up....

Someone stepped out of the car..... What the hell? How is he here? I thought he was dead... 


Yea sorry, not sorry for the cliff hanger. Read more to find out who the was guy that got out of the car. 

Who could it be? Have you guys figured out what Tyler had to do to get in the gang, well if you haven't it will be mentioned in the next chapter.

How long is Jay supposed to stay under the bridge without getting caught? Will Nate and Christine come looking for Jay? 

If you want to be included as a character please comment, there will be a lot more characters here in a little while. 

I will most likely be updating the story every week now with either two or three chapters but it all depends on my mood and how I'm feeling.

Thanks for reading hopefully you like the story so far, if you see any errors I am sorry but every writer makes mistakes. Continue reading to find out more about Jay, her step father, Nate, Christine, and the new guy.

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