Somewhat Of A Normal Day

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There isn't really an excuse of why I haven't updated this story in a couple of years but yeah. I have been working on other stories and just overall forgot about this story, back to it. 

Recap- Jay found out that her real father faked his own death and is now looking for her.

On to the story...

Jay's P.O.V

For some people it would be a relief to find out their supposed to be parent is not dead but to me I was just mad, I mean who wouldn't be. My dad, no he doesn't get to be called dad anymore, was supposed to be there to raise me but no he left and faked his death. He can't just appear out of nowhere and say he's looking for me....

I was broke from my thoughts when I heard a knock on the door..

"Come in," I spoke still thinking about my father. 

Christine walked through the door, sitting next to me on the bed, she asked, " How you doing?" 

"So great!" I said, sarcastically and a little annoyed. Turning my attention towards Christine, I asked,  "Do you need something?"

"I just wanted to come and check up on you," Christine said, "You know, we are you if you need to talk. Also, Nate wants to come check up on you to, if that is okay?"

"I would rather be left alone," I responded but quickly realized that I should probably talk to Nate, "But sure." 

Christine left the room, then about five minutes pass with Nate walking into my room. I honestly didn't want to talk to anyone especially after all the crap that's been happening today but I knew that it would be a lot better to actually talk to someone. 

"How are you doing?" Nate asked, sincerity in his voice. 

"Since when do you actually care?!" I found myself being rude to him. Once I realized what I said, I felt bad, "Sorry. It's been a tough couple of days." 

"It's understandable. You are upset," Nate brushed off the way I talked to him, "And you have every right to be." 

"Yeah," I agreed with him, "But is it okay if I just have some time to myself. I'm not really in the mood to talk to people." 

"Sure. Just let my mom or I know if you need anything, or someone to talk to" Nate walked back towards the door. 

"I will," I replied back, "Thanks again for everything that you guys have done." 

"Yeah," Nate was getting ready to walk out the door but turned back around to say one more thing, "Oh wait, I almost forgot. My mom is putting on a movie downstairs, if you want to join. No talking, just watching the movie." 

"That actually sounds a lot better than being in here," I spoke with a small smile, "I'll be down in a little bit." 

Nate nodded his head then shut the door behind him. As complicated as everything had been, today had felt like somewhat of a good day, well besides the fact of finding out that my biological father is still alive. 

Finally after sitting on the bed, lost in thought, for a good ten minutes, I finally got up and walked downstairs. Once reaching the bottom of the stairs, I noticed that there had been lights hung up around the living room. 

"Nothing like a magical movie night, right?" Christine met me at the stairs with a smile on her face, "Nate and I have done these type of things since he was a little kid. The thought of watching movies while feeling like you are in some kind of other universe. What do you think of it? There is a bigger set up in the actual living room." 

Following Christine into the living room, my jaw dropped at the sight of everything. A light green led lights were strung up around the living room, along with a cherry red light that went around the tv. Along the walls, little vines hung everywhere. The whole room had been giving a fairytale vibe. 

"Wow!" I spoke in awe. Christine looked over at me with a bigger smile on her face, and for once Nate didn't look mad or annoyed, "So, what movie are we watching?" 

"The Fighting of Krithia Empire," Nate answered. My expression changed to confusion. When Nate saw the confusion on my face, he was shocked, "Have you never watched it?!" 

"Nope," I answered, along with Christine looking at me in shock, "What? I wasn't one to watch much tv." 

"Well here's the gist of it," Nate began to explain somewhat of what the show was about, "You know what, I don't want to accidentally spoil any of it so why don't we just watch it?" 

"Get the movie ready, I'm going to go get the snacks," Christine replied then turned around and walked off into the kitchen. While Christine had been getting the snacks, I decided to take a seat on the rocking chair. Nate just sat on the floor next to the coffee table, probably because there he would have access to all the food. About five more minutes passed, Christine had now been walking back into the living room holding three plates full of all sorts of snacks, "Movie time!" 

"Can I start it yet?" Nate was in a hurry to start the show. Christine just laughed in response while nodding her head, "Get prepared to get your mind blown!" 

Thirty minutes passed and not once did I think this movie would be this interesting. By that, I meant every like ten minutes or so, Nate would sit and yell at the tv. 

"Oh come on! How can she be so stupid?!" Nate yelled out as the main character, Aethusa, stood confused about how the Prince of Krithia had finally admitted something, "It has been so obvious throughout the entire movie that Prince Rhodys liked Aethusa. Why.. No how is she so confused about that?!" 

"He gets a little too interested in this movie," Christine laughed as she saw the look of shock on my face, "Even though he has watched it over a million times, he still yells at the screen during this part." 

"Wow," I chuckled in response. Resulting in Nate shutting up and turning his attention towards his mother and I. 

"You talking crap about me?!" Nate stopped yelling at the tv, "Just kidding, I know you're not. But hey, can you blame me for yelling at the tv. Aethusa is actually so blind when it comes to love or liking someone!" 

"Yeah totally!" Was all I could manage to say without bursting into laughter. 

The rest of the movie went about that same exact way, with Nate yelling at the tv. Once the movie was finally over, Christine told Nate and I to help clean up the living room and the dishes. Then once that was all done, we all stood in the living room just talking. 

"So what did you think of the movie?" Nate had been very curious about my answer. 

"To be completely honest," I began to answer, "Couldn't pay attention to most of it. Not with the way you had been yelling at the tv throughout the entire movie. But I mean, that was pretty interesting." 

"We'll have to do another movie night," Christine spoke before Nate had the chance to say anything, "Except we will pick a movie that none of us have seen." 

"That sounds awesome!" Nate agreed. 

"Yeah it does," I agreed to. By now, the sun had completely set. Nothing but darkness outside, "I'm gonna go to bed though, I'm kind of tired but this was really great." 

"Okay. Goodnight and if you need anything," Christine said, "I'll be down here most the night and Nate's room isn't far from yours." 

"Goodnight," Nate also spoke, agreeing with what his mother said. 

Once they both said goodnight, I headed back up to my room and went straight to sleep. Today was extremely complicated and just overall stressful, but it wasn't all bad. Who knows, maybe tomorrow will be an even better day. 

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