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Hey people's sorry it's taken me awhile to update my story but ya know I have been busy and my other siblings wouldn't let me get on the computer.

Anyways what did y 'all think of the last chapter... Well if your still wondering who the guys was that got out of the car continue reading to find out who he is. This chapter will mainly focus on Jay and her family but hopefully y 'all like it.

Either in the next chapter or the chapter after that something very intense happens so if you want to find out what that is continue reading, Thanks.

Jay's P.O.V 

How that's all I could think of... He is supposed to me dead.... It was all over the news when they found the car.... I heard talking so I decided to move closer but made sure I stayed hidden...

"Did you find her?" The guy asked.

"Well we tracked her phone like you said but it stopped tracking back a ways," One of the workers said.

"Get to it then," The guy demanded," Find my daughter and make sure she is alive."

 But how is he still alive, the car was destroyed in that crash. I have to find a way out of here. If they were tracking my phone and said it stopped that must mean my phone died. Great, today is just great. The main questions now are what does he want and how is he still alive? I saw the men and my so called father get in their cars and drive away, I got up and headed back to Nate's house. It took a little while but I had to tell Christine about my father. I finally got to their door step and knocked on the door, Christine opened it...

"Jay are you okay?" Christine asked," You had us worried sick...." She was cut off my Nate.

"What were you thinking?" Nate asked and he had anger and worry in his voice," You could have been hurt, where did you even go."

"Nate let her talk," Christine said.

"I honestly don't know why I left," I said," Christine can I talk to you alone."

Christine nodded then told Nate to go to his room.

"What happened when you left?" Christine asked.

"A car was following me but I managed to hide so they didn't find me," I explained," One of the guys that were in the car was my biological father who is supposed to be dead."

"How is that even possible?" Christine asked," Did he say what he wanted?"

"Not that I remembered," I said," He supposedly died in a car accident when I was really young, he could have faked his death but why would he do that."

"From now on don't go outside unless me or Nate are with you," Christine said," He may want something from you or even to hurt you."

This couldn't be happening. After all these years I thought he was dead, come to find out he faked his death and has been hiding from me my whole life...

FLASHBACK (Jay at only 3 years old)

"Mommy, mommy," Young Jay said excited.

"What is it Jay," Jay's mother asked.

"Where's daddy," Young Jay asked.

"I'm right here sweetie," Jay's father said.

"Guess what I can do," Young Jay said," Look, watch."

Young Jay walked across the living room floor then did a cartwheel. When Jay was younger she was known to learn things very quickly which explains why she talks and walks so good at only age three. 

"Aww look at our little princess," Jay's father said," She learns so quickly."

"Yes she does," Jay's mother said while walking up to Jay to give her a hug...


Me and my parents used to be really close before my dad "died" but after he left us, me and my mom kind of stopped being so close. Now that I know my biological father is still alive it makes me sick, my life probably wouldn't have been hell if he wouldn't have left us in the first place. The only questions that are going through my mind right now is;  Why did he fake his death? How could he leave his own family in the dust? 

Sorry that this chapter was shorter but the next chapter will be longer just be patient and the next update will be in the next couple of days most likely.

Why did Jay's father fake his death? What is he hiding? Why is he now worrying about his daughter?

Do you think he knows about Tyler? Will Tyler find Jay?

Continue reading to find out more...

Oh and don't forget to vote it will mean so much to me if you do. 

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