Chapter 1: I spilled Coke.

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*Taybah's P.O.V.*

Walking out of the hotel's  convenience store, I sip my coke while texting my best friend,Zaynah.

Zay: Come on! Spending a week with
          that much hotness should be

Shut up! What will your FIANCÉE say about that. I really don't like the guy. Just leave it alone!

Fine! But I want deets on wat happens!

Yeah watevs.

I roll my eyes and obviously it had to be the one time i remove my eyes from the pathway in front of me that I bump into someone! My phone falls with a THUD and Coke spills everywhere. I look up to see forest green eyes blazing with fire glaring at me. I'd know those eyes anywhere.


I pick up my phone and bolt. Running through the lobby and to the elevator, I smash my hands onto the up button. The lift opens and I run inside hoping Zaydaan hasn't followed me. When I get to the correct floor I walk out the lift as calmly as possible and walk to the room I share with my brother, Taahir, and my cousin, Faeez, who stays with us since his parents passed away 2 years ago.

I go inside and flop down on the couch. I take a pillow, stuff my face into it and scream. Just scream! Until Taahir and my oldest brother, Yaasin enter and grab the pillow from me.

"What the hell are you doing?" Yaasin asks. 

"I absolutely hate this vacation and it hasn't even been 2 days." I say, pouting for dramatic effect.

"What happened?" Taahir asks.

"Zaydaan happened! That's what!" I say.

"Well shame! We're having a braai with them tonight." Taahir says.

"Why?????!!" I cry.

"Look, how about we go out for ice-cream and talk about it and then you should be fine." Yaasin says.

"Yeah. It will be like old times." Taahir says, coming to sit next to me on the couch and side-hugging me.

"Okay." I say.

I stand up to go get ready and my phone rings.


"Hello?" I answer.

"Don't you DARE 'hello' me, Taybah! You replied and suddenly went M.I.A.!!!" Zaynah yells into the phone.

"Sorry. I got caught up with something." I say.

"Or someone. So? Who was it?" She asks. Damn! She's good! 

"I bumped into Zaydaan. And I might have accidentally spilled coke on him." I say.

"O.M.G!! What did you say?" Zaynah asks, completely interested.   

"Nothing. I picked my phone up and practically ran back to our room." I say.

"He'll know it was you sooner or later." She says.

What she means is, since I took a gap year after high school, I barely saw Zaydaan and he's family. I had braces completing high school and I wore glasses all the time. in the past year, I removed my braces and got contacts which I wear all the time now.

"Yeah, I know. and I'd rather it be later than sooner." I say.

"It's been almost 9 years, Taybah. Let it go!!" She says.

"I can't. Anyway, I gotta go. I'm going out with my brothers."I say.

"You can't or you won't? This convo is not over, Taybah Husein. I can assure you of that. But anyway, enjoy your afternoon, Babes. Love you!" She says.

"Yeah, yeah. Love you too. Salaam." I say and end the call. 

I quickly make myself look presentable and leave with my brothers. We're joined by Faeez at the lobby and we all leave together.

"Awesome! One extra person to interrogate me. Just great!" I say, my voice laced with sarcasm.

"Hardy Ha Ha!" Faeez says as we jump into the car and head to get some ice-cream for my blues.


Hi/ Salaam to all those amazing readers.

I know it was a short first chapter but there are longer chapters to come.

Please don't forget to: 




I love you all and I hope you stay tuned for Chapter 2. <3

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