Chapter 3: Braai's and Dessert

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Leaving our room and heading down with the elevator we talk abouth the randomest of things.

"Taybah!!!!!!!" Juwairiyah shouts running to hug me. Juwairiyah is Imaan, Zaydaan's older sisters' daughter. (basically, his niece.) 

"How many times do I have to tell you it's Aunty Taybah." Imaan scolds.

"It's fine, Imaan." I say.

"See, mum. 'Taybah(!)' says it's fine." Juwairiyah says in a 'you-see' tone. Imaan rolls her eyes.

"Let's go play soccer." Taahir says.

We leave the braai area and head to the AstroTurf part. I see Zaydaan and his 15-year-old brother there already. I give Taahir a look that says 'I'm-gonna-kill-you' and he shrugs. HE SHRUGS!!!!                     

"We have an odd number. I'm not playing." I say seeing Zeenat's husband, Jameel join us.

"Don't be a spoil sport, Tay!" Taahir says.

"Yeah, just play." Faeez says, nudging my shoulder with his.

"Fine." I agree only because I want to see the look on Zaydaan's face when I win.

After playing for about 25 minutes, we end the game with 4-NIL us to them. I smirk when Zaydaan realizes I scored 3 of those 4 goals.

"Since when do you play?" He asks, clearly astounded.

"Since my best friend left me for popularity." I instantly reply, annoyed at his behaviour.

I have no idea what I'm annoyed about. it's just that ever since our circle of friends wasn't enough and left me for the populars, I want to hate him. No matter how hard I try it is utterly impossible to hate him. There's not one bone that hates him. Every fibre of my body loves him to the point where, if I ever have to become best friends with him again; I will murder someone just because I don't trust myself around him.

He looks at me hurt and surprised that I retorted but honestly, at this moment in time, I don't care at all.

After having the braai, we go out for dessert. The universe hates me. Honestly! I ended up in the car with my brother, Faeez, Zaydaan and Zain. Conveniently, I'm sandwiched between Zaydaan and Zain. Zain's a good, goofy kid. Thank Allah he didn't end up like his brother.

We reach Krispy Kreme and go inside to order. Taking our seats at a very, very long table; my bladder decides 'oh, hey. I need to be used now.'

"I'm going to the restroom, mum." I inform my mum who now insists I don't go alone.

"I'll go with you" Zaydaan says. I give him a strange look. "ill wait outside."

I'm about to protest but my mum beats me to it.

"Great idea." She says.

'Yayy!' I drawl in my mind.

We walk towards the restrooms together in silence until...

"Why do you hate me?" He asks.

"Why do I hate you?! I don't hate you, Zaydaan. I loathe you. I tried so hard my whole life to be a good person and you made me realize being a good person is dangerous. I was your best friend. What changed with you? Was I not good enough? Ya know what, never mind! I'm better off not knowing why my best friend of 10 years suddenly ditched me one day!" I fume.

I storm into the rest room taking even longer just to piss him off and I really hope he's gone by the time I finish here.

Drying my hands, I leave the restroom and walk out. Dammit! He's still there, standing against the wall, hands in his pockets and DAYYUUMMM!! He looks good!

WHAT THE HELL, TAYBAH?!  Did I just think that Zaydaan looks good?! Oh, my, word!!!! I need a reality check!

He looks at me, hurt. He deserved it!

No, he didn't! My mind tells me.

We walk back to Krispy Kreme in silence, no interruptions this time. 

As I sit down, Yaasin, Faeez and Taahir look at me as if asking if I'm okay.

I nod, wordlessly taking my coffee and doughnut from my sister-in-law.

I know I hurt Zaydaan, and I have to fix it. It doesn't matter how much he hurt me.

Be the better person, Tay.

"So, Taybah. I heard you got a lot of marriage proposals." Zaydaan's mum asks.

"Jee. I did" I reply.

"Tell me, Imaan. How did you find your Jameel so quickly? This Taybah is so picky." My mum complains. I roll my eyes.

"Don't worry, the right person is waiting for her." Imaan says.

I look at Zaydaan from the corner of my eye and I swear I see him go rigid. What's his problem?

"And you, Faeez? When's the wedding?" Zaydaan's mum asks.

"Soon, InshAllah." He replies.

I'm gonna need a lot more caffeine if they continue with this marriage stuff.

Luckily, they drop the topic and our evening continues with quite a bit of laughs and fun.


Assalaamualaikum to all my wonderful and patient readers.

hope you all enjoy the chapter.

thank you all for waiting so long... Make dua you get more chapters soon

Enjoy the chapter!

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Much love,

Addy <3

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