Ch. 16

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OK so something different. I'm going to keep John in Yorktown. It kind of helps explain to Laf what happened to Alex and why he wasn't at war. Also, I don't want to kill John. I don't think I could make Alex suffer that much reading the letter. I can't end my book like that! (No I don't think it's ending very soon) I have a lot more to write and we still don't know what happened to Benedict Arnold >:3

^P.s sry I wrote so much for that ^

                            *LAF'S POV*

I'm am coming back from France! When I get back, it will definitely be noticed that my accent is even thicker than before. It is very exciting to get back to war! Although...I have missed my home deeply. I visited my mother and she seemed to be doing very well. I can guess it has be hard for her to cope with the loss of my father from being shot while in the army...then me joining it as well... I had to make sure she was doing well. I am very happy she is. (Ik he was an orphan to but I didn't want to make the baguette suffer)

I had to make sure to bring back food with me, as well as the guns and ships I promised. We were at Yorktown but we haven't really been very close to wining. 'I believe we can do this.' I thought happily. Soon enough, I heard the captain yell that we were at my destination. I jumped off the ramp and saw John! I know that Herc is spying but where is Alexander?

"Laf!" John ran up and hugged me. 'I missed mes amis. I hope Herc makes it out of spying alive. It is a very dangerous thing to do.' I thought. "John, Mon ami!" "How was the trip back?" He asked. "Rough seas, but manageable." "Great. Glad to have you back." "Glad to be back, my friend." I said. John laughed saying, "You're accent is definitely more thick!" I joined in the laughs. "I knew someone would notice." "Alex would love to see this!" John said.  "Speaking of Alexander, Where is he?" "Oh... uh he isn't here." My eyes Widened with terror. 'Was he Dead?'  "Wa- oh! No-No! Not like that! He-he was sent home." John rambled.

"Why? Alex was a very skilled soldier!" John continued to explain the whole story- which he had eavesdropped to know all of this. "Oh yeah...and he called Washington dad without knowing." "The General can't possibly be angry about that!" I exclaimed.

"No. He wasn't mad about that. It was that Lee and I dueled and he told Alex to not get involved. Long story short, He ended up being my second, I shot Lee in the side, Washington was mad and Alex yelled at Washington, saying 'Call me son one more time.' He was really upset that he had to leave."

"I can imagine... I know he loved being here, serving his Country. Maybe I can talk to Washington." "I dunno... he seemed pretty mad... I mean... I didn't know he would actually send Alex home. He saw him as a son." "Yes but even family fights." I explained. "I will try to talk to Washington about bringing Alex back.


"Sir. Alex is one of your most skilled soldiers! He knew what to do when we were trapped in that trench and he's even fluent in french!" "Laf. I need to get back to work. We aren't going to win this war if we don't figure something out..." he said. I ignored him. "Sir! You're going to have to use him eventually, what's he going to do on the bench I mean, no one else has my resilience, or matches my practical, tactical brilliance!" Washington chuckled a bit.

"You want to fight for land back?" He sighed. My spirits were brought down. 'Did he really not want Alex back? Washington was the one who saved him when he was kidnapped by the British!' I sighed, walking out of his tent. Right before I was out, I felt a hand grab my shoulder and turned me around to face them. "I need my right hand man back." Washington! Yes! He sat at his desk writing a short letter.

Alexander Hamilton,
Troops are waiting in the field for you
If you join us right now, together we can turn the tide
Oh, Alexander Hamilton
I have soldiers that will yield for you
If we manage to get this right
They'll surrender by early light
The world will never be the same
-General Washington

Words- 678

Welp. I didn't do what I said I would in the other chapter. Eh. At least it's about 200 words more... 😂

 This Is War {a pt 2 of rescue me} (complete)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora