Ch. 17

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Anyone reading this, I have a Hamilton one shot book now :) it would be great if u read. or don't idc 😂


It had been around a week of having Alexander home. We spent a lot of time together, talking about how we hope to raise Phillip.
(*cough* not to do duels *COUGH*)
Althoughgames smiled most of the time, they seemed forced and he zoned out a lot. I tried to help, asking him what was wrong but he would just say the he was 'just thinking.'

I'm not buying it. He may be just thinking but why does he refuse to talk about it? After dinner, Alex went straight to his office. I went to check on him when it was extremely late and I was going to bed, and he was still there, just writing and sorting his letters. He didn't come to bed that night... I was very concerned...

In the morning, I went to his office again and found him asleep at his desk. I chuckled to myself, wondering how he actually sleeps like that. Right then, a letter caught my eye. I could see it said that it was for General Washington and the date was slightly before our wedding.
I got closer and carefully slid the letter from underneath him. It read-

   Dear General Washington,
I am overjoyed to inform you that I am getting married to Elizabeth Schuyler. I hope to see you there. As you know, it is traditional to have your mother and father at the wedding and another thing you know, I have neither. Only if you are comfortable with this, I would like to know if you would go as that placement for my father and possibly Martha. She is a wonderful woman as well. You have always been like a fa

It wasn't even Finished. Ugh. Alexander and his self doubts. I would send this letter to The General's not my place do so... It's not right to Alex...

                           *TIME SKIP*

Alex and I were eating breakfast and talking when we heard the mailman come with a letter. "I'll get it." I said. "Hello Miss Eliza. How are you on this fine morning." "very good, thank you." I opened the letter and it said it was for Alex. "Eliza are you alright?" that's when I realized there were tears rolling down my cheeks. I handed him the letter.

                           *ALEX'S POV*

Washington wants me back at war! ' Yes!-but wait-...Philip...Eliza...I can't-'  Eliza stopped my thoughts by kissing me. "Eliza... " She just nodded her head. "You should go. It's better than being cooped up in this house all the time." I kissed her again and soon, I was off to war again.


   I'm...back. I'm back, I'm back, I'm back!!! "Alex!" "Petit lion!" "Laf, John!" I hugged them. "Ya missed us that much huh?" John said with a smirk. I snickered, playfully punching his shoulder. "J'ai entendu ce qui s'est passé ... ça va?" "Yeah I'm fine." "Also,
Quelle idiote tu est! Pourquoi as-tu crié sur Le general!?" "I know, I know. It was stupid!"

   John looked at us Confused then pouted over-dramatically. "I'm feeling left out. You guys suck." "John. I just told Alex he's an idiot for yelling at the general." Laf chuckled. " that case I fully agree." "Hey!"  we laughed a while longer when I realized something.

   "oh my god! I just realized! You don't know!" they both raised an eyebrow. I smiled widely. "Eliza. She's pregnant. Baby boy. His name is Philip." "oh Mon dieu! That is great!" "Yeah Alex!" after a while longer, a soldier came over and said that Washington wanted me. "Uh...when...?" I asked, trying to stall. "Now."

Words- 606


J'ai entendu ce qui s'est passé ... ça va? - I heard what happened. Are you ok?

Quelle idiote tu est! Pourquoi as-tu crié sur Le general!!!! -What an idiot you are! Why did you shout at The General!?

Oh Mon dieu!- oh my god!

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