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New message from peach boy(2)

Casual girl.

You're really calling me that now
Aren't u?

And don't lie
I know you like it too

And if I say no?

That's nonsense

Your full of yourself too much

Well what can I do
My moto of life is love yourself  love myself .

It's like the name of this band's album
But I don't remember the name


That one
The kookie guy is my type

Not me?

What do u mean?

I know you like me

Excuse me
I not like u

U like me~
U love me so much until you forgot how to type.

I'm shutting my phone down

Just say you like me and you will not get rejected

How can I trust you?

Cause I like you too.

Hey Peach Boy! -  𝐉𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐍√Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang