Chapter 1

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The Beginning

The sun was out earlier than usual as it peeked through the windows of the Alsina's home. Specifically Khelani's room as it glared on her mocha skin which looked as if it was sunkissed. Typically around this time of day you could hear the birds chirping and the dogs barking from the backyard of the neighbors home. It was a beautiful day in the neighborhood and the first day of highschool for Khelani.



I jumped at the sound of my alarm blaring throughout my room as my favorite song played. I shut my eyes harder trying to retain some sleep but of course I could hear my brother and sister running up and down the stairs.

"Either stay up or stay down" I heard my mom yell towards them. I chuckled as I decided to finally get up and get dressed. My first day of highschool was very nervewrecking for me. Some of the friends I talked to from middle school are at a different school from me except paisley. I looked at the clock on my phone and realized it was going on 7:00. Imma just sleep for another 30mins. I turned over and closed my eyes as I tried to go to sleep.

"I know your ass isnt still sleep" I heard my dad say. I pinched my eyes tighter as I hoped he would walk back out and allow me to get a couple more minutes.

"Getcho ass out of this bed" he said snatching the covers off my body. As soon as he did that the cold air hit my exposed legs. I instantly grabbed them and covered up with one of my pillows.

"Can't I just skip school today" I asked looking at him.

"Hell no, its your first day at highschool" he took a seat on my bed as I sat up. I sighed as I rubbed my eye. I've been homeschooled for 9th-10th. So while its everyone's third year of going here, it will be my first ever.

"I know but it's just that I'm nervous about this"

"You'll be fine and remember dont be friends with people who have the name-"

"Taylor or Jake, I know" he smiled rubbing my shoulder.

"That's my girl, go head and get dressed" I gave a fake smile as he finally left my room. I grabbed my pillow and screamed into before actually getting up. The worst day of the year Is finally hear and I'm not ready for it.

I went straight to my bathroom and turned my shower on. I grabbed my toothbrush and started brushing my teeth. I wonder if I'm going to make friends or find a club to join. My parents told me everything about what happened when they went to school their. I'm well aware that the teachers and probably some students know about it. Hopefully they forgot about it.

The shower was finally warm so I quickly got in and got showered. I was in the shower way longer than I wanted to but it felt good until the cold water started seeping in.

The towel was secured on my body as I went into my room to see my sister playing in my stuff.

"Kamana, out" I said.

"Mom said to hurry up, your taking too long" she said walking out and shutting the door. Kamana was a twin of my brother Ajay, they are 6 years old and full of energy. I grabbed my outfit that I already had planned the night before to wear. It consisted of high waisted ripped blue jeans, a white tanktop, and I had a jacket on with this outfit. I got my socks and shoes on and then took my bonnet off. I got my toothbrush and my gel and started working on my edges.

"Khelani come on now" I wrapped a scarf around it and rushed downstairs.

"What's for breakfast" she glared at me and she made my plate.

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