They Were Closer Now - ENGLISH Version

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The party at the Bella Donna Hotel was incredible, Ruby couldn't wait to get Donna to come back from her trip with Sam, so she could fix their relationship.

Continuation of flashback from previous chapter

Fernando was devastated, could not understand the disappearance of Ruby , and decided that there was no reason to continue in Mexico, would go away. At that very moment, Ruby was on a plane, returning to the United States, devastated; could only think of Fernando, how he would be reacting, thinking he was abandoned.

Fernando packed his things and thought:

"My God , where do I go?"

He looked at some scripts and saw Greece: far, calm and beautiful. ready , he had already chosen his fate.


Ruby came home and went straight to his room. By now Richard and she were no longer sleeping in the same suite. After the events, Ruby would never be the same, the brightness of her eyes had disappeared.

3 weeks later ...

"Miss Ruby , are you all right?" This is the third time you have nausea today!

- Yes, Mary, it must have been something I ate and it made me sick, do not worry ...

Ruby knew it was not any food, it was a certain Mexican, and she knew that she would have to come up with something soon for her husband and father. She would have to take her husband to bed, even hating the idea, so she could claim that her baby was his, not Fernando's.

Ruby started putting his plan into practice, it would be very difficult to lie down with another man other than Fernando; her husband was an idiot, she only married him by the imposition of his father, and Richard knew it. She took a long shower of foam, took a medicine for seasickness, slipped on a silk nightgown, and headed to her husband's room.

" Richard, I thought about sleeping here with you today, I know things are bad between us, but I do not want to fight anymore.

- Would be great! Come here!

At every touch, Ruby felt revulsion, but she was doing what was necessary. All night long with her husband, she could only think of Fernando. When they finished she lay down, but could not sleep, had to go to another bath, felt dirty.

A few more weeks passed and Ruby told her family about the baby she was expecting. Everyone was radiant, and the plan worked out. In the summer of 1960 is born a beautiful and healthy little girl, the fruit of a true love , which was named Donna Sheridan.

IN GREECE, 1960 ...

Fernando was never the same, always serious. The brightness if your eyes was gone the same day Ruby left Mexico. He had settled in a cottage, near an island,Kalocari ...

When Donna was one year old, Ruby's father passed away, and two years later, Richard was killed in an auto accident. Ruby never married again, and she thought of Fernando every day of her life.

Donna grew, more and more like the real father, the image tormented the singer, who decided to send her daughter to Oxford; The girl graduated years tade in 1979, and the rest of the story we already know ...

Back at the hotel's opening ...

- Ah Fernando ... you do not know how much I thought of you during those 40 years ...

- I thought of you every day that passed mí love!

Rubi told Fernando the whole story of how she was forced to go home, but she did not have the nerve to tell Donna, she would wait for her daughter to come back next week.

After clarifying the 40 years that have passed, the most passionate couple of Kalocari could no longer hold the passion muffled for so many years ... Ruby gave himself to Fernando like the first time of them in Mexico, felt in the clouds, had finally come back to the place from which she shouldn't  have left: the arms of her man.

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