The Pain of being Me

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Warning: Body horror, crying
It felt his face was on fire, the pain on the left side of his face was starting to become too much for him to bare. He could feel that side of his face disfigure and pull apart in mere minutes.

Another scream left Deceit's throat as he felt a burst of pain. His knees buckled and he fell to the floor, his hands and knees coming in contact with the stuff carpet. His whole body was shaking from the pain, the tears forming in his eyes. Deceit could feel the left side of his jaw unhinge, causing a broken sob to come out of his mouth.

Out of all the animals that existed in the world, why must Deceit be part snake? Who made the decision to make him like that? Deceit had always thought it was Roman, seeing as he's Thomas' creative side, after all. And to this day, Deceit still saw this all as Roman's fault because knowing the prince side, he needed a dramatic villain to fit in his fantasy world.

As the pain continued, small shreds of snake skin fell onto the carpet, tears following close behind. In just five minutes, the section under Deceit's face was covered in small pieces of old snake skin and had now been dampened with his tears. But just when the pain had reached its point, it started to die out, fading away slowly.

Once the pain had left completely left, Deceit fully collapsed onto the carpet, shaky breathes leaving his mouth. His breathing hitched a little when he felt the left side of his jaw rehinge itself, shivering at the soft, yet sickening sound it made. When his jaw finished hinging itself, the snake man pushed himself up to his knees, almost toppling back onto the carpet. Deceit scooped the old snake skin off the floor, taking his time as he stood up.

Slowly but surely, Deceit shuffled over to the trash can, opening the lid with the button on the bottom with his foot and tossed the old skin in there, making sure none of it fell onto the floor. After that, Deceit went into the bathroom connected to his room, turning on the light to see the new layer of snake skin. His human skin that bordered the snake skin was red, as if Deceit had just scrubbed it hard with a washcloth. His whole face was practically sore, even the slightest movements sent a burst of mild pain throughout his face.

Despite the pain, Deceit open and unhinged his jaw, wincing slightly from the pain as he flexed his jaw. His scales now shined in the light, the various shades of green and yellow shimmered in the artificial lighting, making them look like glitter. Deceit sighed, hinging his jaw back into place as he looked at the bathroom mirror, only to be met with an emotionless man.

"Guess that's the pain of being me, huh?" Deceit asked his reflection, knowing all too well that he wouldn't get a response back. Another sigh left his mouth as he walked out of the bathroom, shutting the light off on his way out. The snake side made his way down to the kitchen, planning to grab ice to soothe the lingering burning pain he felt.

If Deceit was being honest, he loves being part snake but he hates the many cons it has, like the shedding of his snake skin every single month and the pain that followed it.

Sanders Sides WritingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora