Banished from the Bed(Logince)

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Warning: None
Everyone was getting ready for bed. Roman and Logan were in the bathroom, brushing their teeth and trying to share the mirror.

"Lo, move over. You're hogging the sink," Roman whined, his complaint muffled by the toothbrush in his mouth. Logan rolled his eyes, ignoring Roman as he kept brushing his teeth. "Looooogan, scoot over," Roman whined again, leaning on the logical side's shoulder.

Logan finished brushing his teeth(which caused Roman to wait a bit), laughing a bit, "There Roman, sink's all yours."

"You did that on purpose!" Roman exclaimed while Logan walked out of the bathroom. Logan only smiled at the prince, winking at him before walking out. Roman finished brushing his teeth and practically ran out of the bathroom, going after Logan.

In Roman's room, Logan laid in his bed, reading one of his books. "What are you doing in my bed, Logan?" Roman asked, standing in the doorway.

"You mean our bed, Roman?" Logan joked as he looked up from his book.

"Not anymore, it's just my bed tonight!" Roman exclaimed. Logan closed his book, placing it on the nightstand next to the bed. "Roman, you can't banish me! This is my bed too," Logan explained.

"I just did, so if you excuse me, I need to get to sleep," Roman said, walking to his bed and laying down next to Logan. The logical side rolled his eyes once more, looking over at the creative side next to him.

"Roman, you're being difficult and dramatic, as usual," Logan replied. Roman only huffed, pouting a bit. Logan chuckled slightly, kissing Roman's forehead as he wrapped his arms around his waist.

"Stop that, you're almost making me want to change my mind," Roman mumbled. Logan let out a content(and satisfied) hum, resting his head on top of Roman's head. The prince huffed again, caving in and cuddling up to the logical side's chest. "Okay, fine, you're unbanished," Roman mumbled again.

"Good, I wasn't going to leave anyways," Logan replied, taking his glasses off and putting them on top of his book. Roman grumbled something under his breath, snuggling up to Logan. "I love you, prep," Logan cooed softly.

"Love you too, specs," Roman hummed, pressing a quick kiss against Logan's lips. The logical side smiled and returned the small kiss before covering them both up with the blanket on Roman's bed.

Logan and Roman fell asleep pretty quickly after the small kiss, tangled in each other's arms.

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