Too Much Stress

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Warning: Yelling
Stress didn't even begin to describe how Roman felt. There was a lot of things he needed to get done but he practically had barely anytime to do it all.

He tapped his pencil against his notebook before groaning, ripping the paper out and crumpling it, tossing it at the waste bin next to his workspace. Roman returned his attention back to his notebook and scribbled down some ideas then repeated the same process as earlier; Tear, crumple, throw.

It felt like that process has been wired into Roman's brain after these past few weeks.

Tear, crumple, throw, repeat.

Tear, crumple, throw, repeat.

Tear, crumple, throw, repeat.

Tear, crumple, thr-

There was a knock on Roman's door, followed by a voice, "Hey Ro, it's Patton! I just wanted to let you know that dinner's ready."

"I'm fine, Padre. Thank you for the offer but I'm not hungry at the moment," Roman answered, keeping his focus on his notebook.

"Oh, well, okay Roman. When you are hungry, leftovers will be in the fridge," Patton said before walking away from Roman's door. The prince let out an "okay" to the open air behind the door, not aware that Patton had left.

A few hours has passed and there was another knock on the door, making Roman snap out of his concentration.

"Roman, it's Logan. Virgil, Patton, and I are watching a movie today and we wanted to know if you'd like to join us," Logan explained. Roman sighed, almost tempting to set his pencil down and join them. "I'll have to pass on that, Specs, but thanks for the invite," Roman replied.

"Are you su-"

"Yes, Pocket Calculator, I am sure,"

Roman heard Logan walk away from his door, the logical side's footsteps fading away the farther he got away from the door. He ran a hand through his mess of hair, sighing once more. "If one more person interrupts me, I will lose it," He mumbled to himself, returning his focus to his notebook again.

And Roman wasn't kidding when he said he would lose it when someone else interrupts him. There was a final knock on his red door, causing Roman to accidentally break his pencil out of pure frustrated and annoyance. He stood up from his desk and made his way to his door, opening it up.

"Man, Princey, you look like the Dragon Witch just kicked your ass," Virgil pointed out, half smirking.

"Listen, Emo Nightmare, I am not in the mood for anyone's shit right now. I am busy working," Roman said, ignoring Virgil's remark.

"Well, you better quit it. You're making Thomas' brain spin and that's usually my job," Virgil argued. Roman shook his head, silently disagreeing with the anxious side as he started to shut his door only for it to get stopped by Virgil's foot. "Look, I mean it, Roman. You need to give it a rest, " Virgil stated.

"Just stop it, Virgil,"

"Stop what, Roman?"


Virgil stared at Roman before clearing his throat, "Fine, be like that. See if I care." After that Virgil stormed back to his room, disappearing down the hall. Roman let out a sigh of relief, closing his door.

But he didn't go back to his desk. Roman kept his back against the door, scanning his room. It was a mess; Papers full of notes, ideas, and drawing were practically everywhere in his room. Then it finally hit him; He had became a mess. Roman had been caught up in his work that he hadn't thought of himself and his mental health.

Roman pushed himself off his door and towards his bed, flopping down into it. He grabbed the Disney blanket and covered himself up, relaxing against his pillows. It didn't take long for the creative side to fall asleep, leaving all his work behind

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