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Vireit is my Anxceit fusion
No warnings for this chapter
"Roman, do you know where either Virgil or Deceit are?" Logan asked as he entered the living room. Roman looked up from what he was doing and shook his head. "I'm afraid I do not know. Maybe Padre knows. He's in the kitchen," Roman replied.

Logan nodded, walking into the kitchen and nearly let out a yelp. Sitting on the kitchen counter was an unknown fusion. They were sitting on the counter, much like a cat, two of their four arms were wrapped around their knees while their other arms supported their weight on the counter.

Both Patton and the fusion snapped their gaze up to see Logan standing in the entryway to the kitchen. "Oh! Hi Logan! I've seen that you've met Vireit!" Patton exclaimed, motioning to the fusion seated on the counter.

"Sup," Vireit greeted, not once moving from their spot. Logan didn't say anything for a few moments, silently getting his thoughts straightened out(ha, straight) before he spoke.

"Let me guess, you are the fusion of Virgil and Deceit," Logan suggestion. Vireit grinned, their sharp teeth becoming visible.

"Ding, ding; We have a winner! And it only took you," Vireit glanced at the kitchen clock before looking back at Logan, "An hour and a half!" Vireit claimed in a very sarcastic voice, clapping two of their four hands together.

"A very sarcastic fusion, might I add," Logan grumbled, walking over to Patton, "So, Patton, what is Vireit like? If I may ask."

"Oh! Vireit is like a cat! Sometimes they hiss, jump five feet in the air when startled, sit on top of the fridge, somehow. They chase around the laser pointer and they really like cuddles. Vireit also purrs sometimes," Patton explained. Logan nodded and smirked a little, glancing over at the fusion. Vireit stared back at him, baring their teeth a bit.

Logan slowly made his way towards the fusion, taking any caution he could. Vireit continued to glare at the logical side while he walked over to them. Logan stood in front of Vireit before reaching up and started petting their hair, running his fingers through Vireit's hair.

Vireit froze up from the sudden contact before they relaxed, starting to purr. Logan smirked a little more as he kept petting Vireit. "Ah, Patton was right, you two are just like a cat," Logan hummed, his smirk easing up a little.

Vireit glared at the logical man as they kept purring, engulfing themself in the feeling.

It didn't take long for the two to unfuse. Deceit was sitting on Virgil's lap and Virgil was sitting on the counter with Logan's hand in his hair.

"Oh hello Logan, I'm totally not glad to see you," Deceit hissed out.

"Sup specs," Virgil greeted, doing his usual two finger salute.

"Salutations to the both of you. I was looking for you two earlier because I wanted to ask if you could assist me in an experiment," Logan asked, adjusting his glasses.

"Sure, I got nothing else better to do," Virgil responded as Deceit nodded in agreement. Deceit then rolled off of the anxious side's lap, landing on the kitchen floor on his feet. Virgil jumped off the counter after him, landing next to the lying side.

"Excellent, let us be on our way,"

And with that, Logan, Virgil, and Deceit ventured to the logical side's part of the Mind Scape, 110% unsure of what they've been pulled into.

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