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Uuuh, Creal is my Royality fusion
Also warning for mention of injury
"Are you mad at us?"

Virgil looked up at the fusion in front of him, a soft expression on his face. "Of course not, Creal. It isn't your guys' fault the Dragon Witch tried to kill you two," Virgil replied as he finished bandaging Creal's third arm.

"Ar-Are you sure? I mean Lo-Logan looked mad when we ca-came back with all our injuries," Creal said, tears forming in their eyes. Virgil shushed them, using his sweater sleeve to wipe Creal's tears, "I'm sure, cupcakes. Logan is worried about you both, he just has a different way of showing it, that's all."

Creal nodded and hugged their knees close to their chest, sniffling a bit. Virgil only sighed, standing up from the couch. "Here, how about you two watch a Disney movie while I go talk to Logan, okay?," Virgil suggested, handing Creal the remote.

"Okay," Creal mumbled, taking the remote from Virgil and got comfortable on the couch. Virgil smiled a bit before sinking into Logan's room.

"We need to talk, Lo," He stated, walking over to Logan's desk. Logan looked up from his work, now looking at the anxious side looking back at him.

"About?" Logan asked, setting his pen down on the desktop.

"Creal; Specifically Roman and Patton. They both think you're mad at them for getting hurt by the Dragon Witch," Virgil explained, taking a seat on Logan's desk.

"But I am not mad at them,"

"Then go tell them that because you know how they both will get,"

Logan stayed silent for a moment then stood up from his chair. Virgil stayed seated on Logan's desk, watching the logical side sink down into the living room. He saw the fusion on the couch, watching Beauty and the Beast.

"Might if I join you guys?" Logan asked softly, not wanting to disturb the peace. Creal looked up from the movie, blue and greens eyes staring directly at Logan.

"Sure.." Creal answered, looking back at the television. Logan only nodded, sitting next to Creal on the couch. Neither of them say anything after that, keeping their focus on the movie.

"So, you guys think I am mad at you two, for getting hurt," Logan said ten minutes later, turning his head towards Creal.

"You looked mad when you saw us and our injuries," Creal responded, keeping their focus on the television.

"Well, I am not mad at you guys, I can assure you of that. I guess, I am just scared that something bad will happen to one or both of you," Logan explained, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

There was a quick flash of light where Creal once was, Roman and Patton taking their place.

"Do you really mean that, Lo?" Patton asked softly, making Logan nod as a response.

"Of course I do, Patton," Logan answered. Roman said nothing, all he did was hug Logan tightly, burying his face in his chest. Patton joined in on the hug, wrapping his arms around Logan and Roman. Logan held them in a protective boyfriend way.

Virgil watched from the kitchen with a smile as he lounged on the counter. Deceit was next to him, phone in hand.

"We are totally not going to hold this against Logan," Deceit said, taking a picture.

"Hell yeah we are," Virgil replied with a smirk on his face. Deceit smirked as well, taking another picture of the three hugging sides.

Minutes later, Virgil and Deceit joined the hug pile. The hug pile became a cuddle pile and a Disney movie marathon night. The cuddle pile and Disney movie marathon then became one big sleeping pile on the couch, arms and legs tangled within one another. Their snores drowned out by the music from the television.

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