Chapter 13: Reunion

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Lexa, Anya, Indra, Bellamy and Octavia were standing in the dining room of the tents discussing the Ark.

"Two hours? That is when they are dropping?" Lexa was stunned, unaware that it would happen so quickly. She knew it could be tonight, but most believed it would tomorrow morning. Dropping a whole day early must mean something has changed up in space.

"Yes, Heda. Dr Griffin said they would be aiming for the same place as our drop ship and told me to ask if you would be able to send aid immediately. Everything on the Ark is stored safely, but the people up there are still scared of the ground. She also asked you send some of the 100 with the warriors so that they know who to look out for and when to open the doors." Bellamy answered Lexa, still unsure of how to look at the woman. Yes, she was the commander, but she was also a wife to somebody he used to know.

"The warriors have been ready to leave for a few days so all you will have to do is pick some of the Skaikru to accompany you. All may go or just a few, I do not mind. The only thing I ask is Octavia stays behind in Ton DC. She is needed here."

"Yes Heda. The Griffins also ask of their daughters, how they are and whether they will travel to the Ark?"

Anya answered this question for everyone, leaving no room for questions. "Tell the Griffins they are well, but injured from a fight and that they are unable to travel. Once your Ark is opened up and the warriors feel it is safe for a small group to travel to Ton DC, they are the first two in line."

"Yes General. Thank you General. Will that be all? I would like to go to the Ark and I need to get some Delinquents to come as well."

Indra dismissed the boy, "Yes, Bellamy that is all. You may go. Lincoln is waiting for you near the healers' tent."

Bellamy turned to leave, but realised his sister had not moved. "O, let's go."

"She is needed here. You may go. You will see her when you return from the Ark." Lexa dismissed Bellamy, knowing he was helpful and a decent leader among the Skaikru, but Octavia is more important to her.

"Okay. I will see you when I get back. Stay safe."

"You too, Bell." Octavia was not worried, more concerned about why she was still here. She wasn't going to help the Ark anyway, but it would have been nice to see Abby and Jake again.

A silence fell over the four women, not sure where to start. Indra decided to start things off, knowing it could be a long afternoon.

"Let's sit. We have some things to talk to you about Octavia."

Octavia waited until the four other women sat down before she moved. "Have I done something wrong. I swear I didn't tell anyone I knew who they were before they got here. I kept silent."

Indra began talking a bit faster, seeing as she knew the girl was close to freaking out. "We know Octavia, and we thank you greatly for that. Raven and Clarke have been through a lot and you keeping silent stopped any more pressure being put on them prematurely."

Octavia visibly deflated, glad she wasn't in trouble. "So, may I ask why am I here?"

Anya began talking to the sky girl, careful to keep her voice even and calm. She knew she was an imposing figure and needed to be kinder right now. "You were friends with my wife and her twin on the Ark, yes? You lived under the floor and they were your first friends?"

"Yes general, and they weren't just my first friends, they were my only friends. It almost broke me when they dropped to earth."

"Lexa and I have spoken with the sisters, and Costia and Luna, and we all agreed that before they meet their parents again, that meeting you, their old friend, first would be easier to handle. Are you okay with that?" Anya spoke softly, watching as tears built up in the tough girl's eyes.

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