Chapter 27: Down the tunnels

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Day 21. (morning)

The twins had been gone for three weeks and Lexa was finally ready to go in and get them out. The plan was set, the Arkers knew what they had to do.

Anya was going to lead a force of 100 Trikru fighters through the tunnels and get inside that way. They had been fitted with trackers by Abby so they could keep apprised of their status. The rest of them were setting up on the front gate and try to pry it open. Monty had realised that the mountain ran on power from the dam, so he and a few of the 100 had scouted where the turbines were and set up explosives to blow them up. This would allow Lexa to get her strongest soldiers to the front door to pry them open and it would throw the Mountain Men for a loop as they wouldn't know what was going on.

That night would be the end of the Mountain Men, they just didn't know it yet.

Day 21. (nightfall)

Anya was scared, not for herself or for her soldiers, but for her wife. They hadn't heard anything since the last transmission and even though she knew it was a possibility that she wouldn't see her wife again, she hadn't wanted to face the reality. Anya was going to be making a lot of noise and she hoped the soldiers in the mountain knew that they were coming for them.

They were halfway down the tunnels before Anya ran into any reapers. Abby had believed she could cure them, but this was no time to try. Her warriors ripped through the reapers and kept moving at pace, all eager to get into the mountain and end this war.

The group was approximately 100 yards from the door when more reapers attacked them with abundance. The 100 warriors were pinned down and fighting for their lives, moving in groups so s not to be left alone and vulnerable. Anya was shouting orders and fighting two reapers at once when she felt a sharp pain down her side. She looked to see a knife sticking out of her and rather than be overcome with pain, she pushed through and attacked with a new found ferocity.

The next ten minutes passed with a blur but Anya soon found herself standing in the middle of a bloody wasteland with reapers and her warriors strewn all around with no discrimination. Her group had lost what seemed to be about 20 warriors, with another dozen injured like she was.

Her warriors tried to get Anya to go back with the other injured to get more warriors to enter the mountain as well as get treated but she wouldn't have any of that. "I am going in that door and I am finding my wife and sister. You can't stop me but you can help me. Let's find our families and end this war for our futures."

Anya led her warriors in the door and came face to face with a few guards from the mountain. They were quickly and quietly disposed of, and the group moved along trying to find their loved ones. There was a map in the pocket of one of the guards and so the Trikru warriors used that to navigate their way through the Mountain.

After 10 minutes of walking, 6 dead mountain men and a few wrong turns, the group came to a room which had what looked like a doctor and some medical equipment in it. What was more telling though was the open door on the other side of the room, showing cages full of their brothers and sisters. They broke through the door and while a few grounders quickly disposed of the doctor, the others ran into the room full of cages and set about trying to free their people.

Anya was part of the group who killed the doctor but quickly moved into the other room to find Raven. She was searching high and low for her wife, screaming her name, when she found herself tackled to the ground in a hug. Raven and Anya held each other close, whispering sweet nothings in each other's ears. They were both safe, for now, and were taking a minute to be together after three weeks apart.

"Are you hurt?" Anya asked.

Raven shook her head. "Not really, but you are. I can feel the blood on your side. Are you sure you should be in here still? That needs to be treated."

"I'm fine, I swear. I couldn't not come in for you when I was so close."

Raven smiled softly. "I'm glad, but you have got to get that checked. Or at least sealed so you don't lose more blood." Raven got up off her wife before pulling her to her feet. She led her into the now ransacked doctors office and got out what she needed. When Anya questioned how she knew where everything was, Raven just smirked.

"I was never very good at staying in one spot for very long." While Raven patched Anya up, the lights flickered before going out completely. Anya sent all her able bodied warriors off in different directions to create havoc and sent the injured ones who would consent back down the tunnels to safety.

"The powers down and Lexa should be through the front doors soon. We need to find our way to them." Anya told Raven her ideas but was quickly shot down.

"No way in hell. I am going to find my sister. She has been alone with these psychos for weeks. You do what you want, I'm going to find Clarke."

"I am not separating from you again. We go to Lexa and then we go as a group to find Clarke. You told me yourself that they separated her from you all for a reason, she is probably in a very secure area and we need more numbers to get to her." Anya was desperately trying to get Raven to understand.

"She escaped 5 days ago. They have been running around looking for her since. She would have heard all this commotion and come out of hiding to help us all. We need to look for her!"

Anya just chuckled. "Rae, your sister is the quietest, sneakiest and deadliest person I know. If she doesn't want to be found, she won't be. However, she also will go and help out anyone she can, and now you are all free she will go to where the fighting is greatest. That is the front doors. Listen to me and trust me Raven, please."

Raven huffed before nodding. "Fine, but you had better be right. IF she isn't there, I will not be happy."

The two made there way out of the room and followed the sounds of carnage and the blood stains through the mountain. They fought a few mountain men before they finally got to the front doors.

What they found was not what they expected. Lexa and her warriors were there and ready to fight, but other than the already dead Mountain Men at their feet, there were no others. Raven and Anya made their way to Lexa and after a quick reunion they questioned what was happening.

"I have no idea, but we need to move further into the mountain and end this tonight. I am not living another day in their shadow." Lexa rallied all her warriors and they began their march through the mountain, searching for the way to end this war once and for all.

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