Chapter 14: Emotional Griffins

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Clarke and Lexa stayed up the night before, both celebrating and talking about the past, Octavia, the Griffins, the Ark and what would happen when they fell.

They woke that morning to a message from Indra that she wanted to see the four of them as soon as possible. So they all dressed quickly after breakfast and made their way hand in hand through Ton DC. The Skaikru and Trikru warriors that were still in Ton DC were in shock of seeing the normally intense and scary Commander and General holding hands with the equally terrifying Griffin Twins. They had heard they were married, but it is different seeing it. The women struck a picture of unity and strength, while also showing their love for each other.

They headed into Indra's tent to find Octavia, Lincoln and Indra waiting for them as well as a boy who must have come from the sky. He was skinny and gangly, and looked terrified. He had these goggles on his head that no one had any idea of what they did for him.

Considering the terrified and temporarily mute boy was not saying anything, Octavia broke this ice.

"Hey, this is Jasper. He was on radio this morning when Bellamy called in. They travelled hard all night and made it to the Ark just after day break. He got in touch with Abby and they opened the doors. Apparently, no one wanted to stay up in space so they tried to bring everyone on the Ark down. The ring they all connected by is still up there, and some of the more vulnerable sections of the Ark. Most parts broke off from the main section, but thankfully all the residents had been moved to the main and more integral parts of the Ark as they had been more structurally sound and more likely to make it safe to the ground. There are about 2000 new residents on earth. With the help of the Trikru and Polis, they hope to be independent quite soon."

"Thank you, Octavia. Is there anything else Jasper needs to tell us?" Lexa said, glad the Arkkru were safe but enjoying making Jasper uncomfortable.

Jasper jumped like someone had stuck him with a pin. He hurried to answer. "Yes, Commander Heda ma'am. Abby and Jake Griffin both spoke to me on the radio and said that baring no major injuries or engineering problems in the next day, which is unlikely cause there is barely any power to make stuff work apparently and they shouldn't get themselves too hurt but if they do Jackson can deal with it I – "

"JASPER. Chill. Stop rambling. What did Jake and Abby say, the short version?" Octavia interrupted as she could tell the others were enjoying this too much, even if they barely showed it.

"Oh. If nothing goes wrong and the grounders in charge say it is safe, they can leave tomorrow morning and be here that night. Marcus wants to send an emissary to make alliances and shi-stuff. Stuff. And he would have been stupid not to send the Griffins. I mean they are awesome and want to see their kids for the first time in years. What kind of guy wouldn't let them come? Oh, did I tell you that the whole Ark knows you are both alive and apparently cheered when they heard. They love the Griffins and you guys were like the smartest kids ever. Everyone felt bad when you –"

"Thank you, Jasper. Please tell Bellamy and the Griffins that we got the message and will expect the Griffins tomorrow night." Indra cut off the sky boy. Even though he meant no harm, he was drifting into dangerous territory.

"Okay cool. See you later!" The energetic Jasper half-ran and half-skipped out of the tent happy he had done his job. The group in the tent were silent for a few seconds before the three youngest started giggling. It was a sound that wasn't heard often enough on the ground.

The three young women got themselves under control and the meeting began. Where troops would go, what the Skaikru could do, whether they returned to the Ark or stayed here. They had developed their own community and most didn't want it broken by adults who had thrown them in prison.

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