Chapter 3

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Rize:Wait what?

Y/n:You heard me,I said I knew because you just told me...

Rize:So you fooled me?

Y/n:I didnt do anything,you did it to yourself...

She laughs

Rize:I hate you y/n...

Y/n:Well I hate everyone...

Rize:What about that mother and her daughter? Do you hate them?

Y/n:Yea,but I still find them tolerable,just like you and touka...

Rize:Wow,it must be hard to impress you...

Y/n:You could say that...

Rize:Well I've already eaten my share of flesh tonight but...

She zooms in front of y/n,kagune activated

Rize:I'd love a peice of you...

Y/n throws her

Y/n:Fuck off,I dont have time for this...

Rize:Flirting doesnt work on you huh?

Y/n:No,now go home rize,its past your bedtime...

Rize:I can stay out as long as I want!

Y/n:I can put you to sleep permanently,I can even sing you a song called "The Song of Extreme Suffering" but you'll be the one singing...

Rize:Is that a threat y/n?

Y/n:No just a warning...

Rize:Fine goodnight y/n...

Y/n:Yea yea,go away...

Rize jumps off into the distance

Y/n:Finally,man Kurona and Nashiro weren't lying when they said I draw too much attention...

He heads back to the house

He arrives to the door and walks in

Y/n:I'm back so dont kill me...

Not like they could

The mother walks out and smiles

Mother:Your back! I thought you were gonna get your ghoul freinds and kill us...

Y/n:The world is full of lies already might as well try to change...

Mother:You know I never got your name...

Y/n:Its y/n...

Mother:What a wonderful name...


Mother:Well my daughter is sleeping right now you should get some sleep...

Y/n:I'm the one guarding you guys,ghouls dont need as much sleep anyway,at least not me...

The mother smiles

Mother:My husband would have been happy to meet you...

She frowns but tries to hide her sadness with a smile

Y/n:What happened to him?


Y/n:How did you find out it was the ghouls?

The Mother starts to tear up a bit

Mother:I heard his screams one night,I got outside and see blood everywhere but there is nothing left!

Y/n:Hey calm down its alright...

Mother:Dont lie to me y/n,how do you really feel?

Y/n:To be honest I don't really care...

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