The dream

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[ ChumHandle CH began pestering TimeausTestifed TT]

CH: Hey Dirk are you there?

TT: Yeah I'm here, what do you want?

CH: I just wanted to say hi that's all.

TT: So you decided to waste my time? I have a lot of things to do you know.

CH: I know...I'm sorry but, I just thought you might need someone to talk to sense you know...

TT: It's fine, I'm over it. It would have never worked anyways.

CH: If you think so, I'm not very good at relationships.

TT: I bet you are, you just haven't found a great guy yet.

CH: You have a point, I do find shitty guys..

TT: What about me? Am I shitty?

CH: No! I mean, you don't count. Your my friend, not my boyfriend Dirk.

TT: Okay, Okay. Just making sure.

CH: Your an ass sometimes you know.

TT: I know, that's my job. If I wasn't you'd be out of control.

TT: I got to go, Roxy is pestering me and I can't ignore her anymore.

CH: Okay I'll see you later!

TT: Yeah, see ya.

[TimeausTestified TT ceased pestering ChumHandle CH]

As you close the Peaterchum tab your notifier goes off. You wonder who's pestering you now. You open it and see it's Dirk's Auto-responder/ Lil Hal.

[TimeausTestifed TT began Pestering ChumHandle CH]

TT: Hello (y/n) what is that you needed to talk to Dirk about?

CH: Oh, Hi Hal. Nothing important...

TT: My responders are telling me your lying.

CH: Hal! I told you to stop doing that unless for an emergency!

TT: It is an emergency, your lying to me about something important.

TT: Is it about Dirk?

CH: In a way it is, but it's something portraying to that...

TT: Okay, then is it about me?

CH: Yes, but what specifically it's about is my secret to keep.

TT: I could always go through your files and find out what it is.

CH: No! Don't, please!

TT: Okay, then tell me what you were going to discuss to Dirk about me.

CH: I was going to have Dirk build you a body so he doesn't have to have you around all the time. That way you can be more than an auto-responder!

TT: Wow, you were going to do that for me?

CH: Yeah...Your pretty cool. Plus I thought we could hang out.

TT: That would be nice, since I really can't "hang out" with anyone.

CH: I know that's why I was going to talk to Dirk about getting you a body.

CH: But he has a lot of projects to work on, I don't know if he can build you one..

TT: He doesn't, he's working on fixing Brobot.

CH: What's wrong with him?

TT: He's putting it on normal mode for Jake since Jake almost died last time.

CH: That's nice of him!

TT: He's only doing it because Jake won't stop telling him to do it.

CH: oh, we'll at least he's doing it!

TT: Yeah your right about that.

CH: Well, there's nothing else you need to know so, I'm just going to go.

TT: Well I'll talk to you later maybe.

CH: Definitely! Bye.

TT: Bye (y/n).

[ChumHandle CH ceased pestering TimeausTestifed TT]

You finally closed your Pesterchum and closed your eyes. When you closed them you saw a black figure. You squinted your eyes to focus on the person. Or at least what you thought was a person... You heard them trying to say something but you couldn't make it out. They had hints of red and white and a black suit of some sort on. You wonder if you knew this person or not. They looked familiar in a way. Like you've never seen them, but you've met them in your subconscious. That's what this was like.

You opened your eyes and grabbed your notebook that was right next to you. You wrote down the new details of the dream that you've been having for the past month. Every time you get a new detail. This time what colors they were wearing and they were trying to talk. Maybe next time you'll get to here them! You always look forward to this dream. Maybe it's your soulmate or something. As some say, your subconscious knows more than you do. You believed this because of this dream. It was a difficult thing to explain to people who ask about the notebook. You usually just say it's empty or it's for school. Then people just leave it alone. But, lately Dirk's twin, Dave has been trying to read it and some things are about your little crush. If he finds out he'll tell Dirk and then your crush will find out. Who wants that to happen?

You get up and go to your bed. Laying down you fall asleep again and have the same dream and hope for the better that one day you'll meet the mysterious "lover" that haunts your dreams. But, that's for another time to talk about.

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