The Striders

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You woke up the next morning and got dressed. It was summer break here in Texas but, since it's always warm here it's just like another day in the year. You thought about yesterday and wondered how Dirk was. He was alway the shy twin between him and Dave.

Dave was the flirt,funny,favorited twin at school over the years. Dave really looked up to Dirk when you guys were in Middle school then, one year he just stopped talking to Dirk at school and had his own friends. Even though most of them were online. You were happy that Dave was his own person but, Dirk really didn't have any guy friends and you were his only friend after that. So, it hurt Dirk more than anyone else.

You stopped reminiscing on the past and walked to the Striders house. it was 75 degrees out and there was breeze in the air. It was perfect but, no amount of perfect weather could fix your best friends broken heart. So, you knocked on the door and walked inside the home.

"Hey, Dirk? It's (y/n)!" You yelled in the entrance of the house.

"In the back (y/n)..." he shouted.

You shuffled to the lab in the back of the house that was the living room and dining room. They made a lab since Dave and Dirk only live here, a family member pays them to live here. Dirk was sitting on the stool working on circuit panels that were in Brobot. You spot Brobot's body laying on the work station behind him. You grab a stool and sit next to Dirk.

"So, how are you holding up?" You said getting to the point of your visit.

"Good, I can't think about it too much or I'll really break down" he shrugged not taking his eyes off the circuit panel.

"You know your an awesome guy Dirk, he just wasn't ready for a relationship with a guy yet" you put your head on his shoulder and watched his hands move around the wires and switches.

"I guess I did kind of force him, thanks (y/n)" He put his head on mine and smiled.

"See, I can always make you smile!" you joke.

He put his tools down and turned towards you. He smiled and hugged you. His face looked like relief and happiness. It felt like a million pounds was lifted from your body.

"So, you want me to build a body for Hal?" he smirked.

Your hold body froze, your face was surely bright red.

"Y-yeah...please??" you made your best puppy dog face. no one can resist your puppy dog face.

"FINE! I swear that face will be the death of me one day (y/n)..." He rolled his eyes and started getting the parts he needed.

"You want him to be a humanoid, right?" He turned around and looked at me like it was an obvious question. You nodded and smiled.

You went to the kitchen to find food. When you turned the corner you saw Dave. You glared at him and walked past him. He grabbed your butt and chuckled. You turned around and flipped him off.

" Love you too babe..." he smirked

"I'm not your 'babe' Dave! Stay away from me and my life!" You snarled at him.

He raised his hands in defense and walked away. You found some Chinese take out from the other day and ate that. You walked back into the lab and saw Dirk's sketch of Hal's body. It looked better than you thought, wait was that..?!

"D-dirk...are you seriously building that on him?!" You pointed to the lower area of Dirk's drawing.

"Yeah, it's not that important but he might use it I don't know" he shrugged.

"He can hide it don't worry, plus he could wear clothes if he wants!" He explained of my worried and confused face expression.

I sighed and smiled. I back hugged Dirk and thanked him. The Striders can really be two totally different people sometimes.

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