Chapter 3

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Everyone was now sat around a fire. The boys decided that we should cook on the fire tonight.

I got to know everyone. I'm still I bit shy though. The food is nearly ready, but I don't want to eat.

The reason I hate food so much, and why I'm not happy with my body is because my parents would force feed me, to the point where I would throw up, but if I threw up I would get beaten. It was there idea of fun.

This happened pretty often and I got pretty overweight by the age of 12. That's when people started to bully me. I lost the weight at 13 due to not eating anything else. Just wait for the overload. But now whenever I eat food I want to throw it up. Even if it's an apple.

They'd made mac 'n cheese. Considering they're all ancient they're pretty up to date with things.

I got given my plate and I just stared at it while the rest dug in. I don't wanna break rules already, but I can't.

Peter noticed because he looked over at me. "Why aren't you eating princess?" He asked cocking his head. Getting the rest of the boys' attention.
"I'm just not very hungry and I...i...i. It doesn't matter" I said looking down.

"Darling you know the rules" Peter carried on.
"I know but I can't" I said barely above a whisper.
"Why?" Peter asked sternly.
"I just can't" I repeated.
"Eat" he carried on with his food
"I said I can't" I said a little more forcefully than before.
"And I said eat. And I would loose the attitude if I were you" he said not even like looking up from his food.

I poked it while the rest of the boys still stared at me.
"Issue?" I snapped getting sick of them looking at me.

"Hey!" Peter shouted. "Stop disobeying me, eat your food or I'll force feed you myself and loose the attitude!"

No no no. He can't feed me. He'll make me sick. No he's gonna hurt me.

I put the food on the floor and back away, and ran. Tears falling, I don't know how many times I'm gonna cry today.

I ran into a hut. Peter and davey following. I hid under the bed of whoever's hut I ran into.

"Isabella?" Peter called out softly. I stayed silent. "Davey check under the bed" Peter sighed. My breathing quickened. I shuffled to the back corner under the bed against the wall. Davey's head popped Down from above.
"She's here" davey said not breaking eye contact. I sniffed. No. I will not cry. That will result in a worse punishment. Peter also ducked down to meet my eyes. I immediately looked down, "don't hurt me bad" I whimpered.
"Oh baby" Peter sighed. "Come out. We won't do anything."

"Yes you will! You're gonna force feed me and make me sick. And then. And then. And then. You'll beat me and cut me" I sobbed at the end. Why am I being such a baby.

"I promise we won't princess please come out" Peter pleaded. Sadness riddled through his voice. 
"You pinky promise?" I held out my finger, he took it and we shook fingers.

I crawled out slowly, I expected to be hit, I shut my eyes tight. But I got engulfed with a hug. I'm not used to them at all. But it felt good.

I cried, and cried and cried. I've never cried so much in a day, I've got a headache from it all.

I sobbed into peters chest as he held me. Davey just watched. He seemed stricter than the other boys. But definitely not stricter than Peter.

"Sh sh shhh" Peter whispered in my ear.
"I shouldn't be like this" I cried.
"It's ok, it's ok, you're safe, we're never gonna hurt you, I promise. We're gonna keep you safe" he stroked my hair.

"I'm sorry" I started to slow down my breathing and was now just hiccuping.
"It's ok, I'm so glad I got you when I did" peter whispered to himself.

He crouched down, as davey sat on the bed.
"Can you try eat just a little bit, please. I won't force you just two forkfuls" Peter looked me in my eyes, but I continued to look at the floor. He gently grabbed my chin and made me look him in the eyes. "Hey look at me" he whispered.
"I'll try, I promise" we walked back out of the hut, davey not far behind us. I grabbed on to peters arm like a five year old.

I'm being so babyish, but it feels good to be a kid again. No, stop it get a grip Isabella.

I looked up to see all the boys staring at me, Peter gave them a stern look and they all looked away, quickly. I sat back down with peter next to me. I took a shakey forkful of the macaroni. I put it in my mouth and quickly chewed and swallowed. I took a drink of water next to me and tried to wash it down before I threw up.

"Hey slowdown, if you're body is used to an overflow, do it slowly you might get more down" Peter said gently.
"Sorry" I said barely audible.
I slowly got another forkful and this time chewing slowly and taking my time. It tasted really good, not just like packeted pasta, it was homemade and amazing.

I wasn't throwing up, but I was full after 5 forkfuls. But I kept it down, I'm so happy. Genuinely happy, even if it's just a little bit for a little bit of food.

"I'm so proud Bella" Peter hugged me as he took my plate away. It gave me a warm feeling in my stomach. It made me feel wanted.

They could be playing me, they could be nice to me at first and then take it away. They could turn into them.

My thoughts were now blurred and very confusing.

Don't trust them yet.

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