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Before this starts I want to remind you, that this is all fiction, and I do not by any means own BTS' Taehyung/V. This is purely my imagination, and therefore any of these events that happens in this story, is purely made up. I do not intend on hurting the reputation of BTS, neither give a false picture of who they are. This is a pure work of fiction. I do not own the characters of the book, nor do I know them personally.

This story is made up by myself, and there has not been any fanfics that has inspired me. If it by coincidence looks like work from another author it is by coincidence, (and also send it to me, because I would love to read it)

As so, I have the full rights of this book, and therefore you cannot post it without the consent of me, the author. If you by change see someone else release "The Days With You", please send it to me, and I will take care of it thereafter.

Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart, for choosing to read this. I hope that it lives up to it's name, and I hope you enjoy.

Much love, Anna ♡

©surelybangtan , 2019

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