I see color

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I have a problem.   My doctor/’you’re a psycho we’re just trying to break it to you slowly person’ says it’s a “tick”. Everyone has one is what my doctor said, mine was just special and that the colors I was seeing were real it was just no one was special enough to see them like I did. That’s what they told me when I was 7, as I got older they diagnosed it as a rare form of Synesthesia. I can see people’s feelings through colors that radiate around their bodies. The doctors said I would probably grow out of it and to just wait and to keep my “condition” on the down low. How did I discover this ability you may ask?  It all started when my mum thought it would be a fun idea to lose her mind and throw the 100 year old ancestral china set across the kitchen with my dad’s head as the target.   All of a sudden from between my 7 year old fingers I saw the room burst into a violet color. I uncovered my eyes and discovered the strange color was coming from the air around my mum and dad. My mum was radiating the brightest red I had ever seen in my short elementary life. My dad on the other hand was letting off a pale yet extremely radiant blue color, the kind you could never quite find in a fourth grade Crayola box. It was clashing together so forcefully the violet looked like it was trying to burst through the thin glass pane windows of my house.   My sister, who was trying to shield me from the whole situation, was letting off just a plain yellow. I frowned at her color. I thought that with her complicated life it would be a more complicated color but, it wasn’t.  And me, I was radiating lilac; I felt I had nothing to lose.  So Without thinking I jumped into the middle of the fight to try and stop it. A huge glass Serving dish with a terrible twist of fate hit my head and shattered to the floor along with my glass impaled face. My parents never fought again.  I also lost my abilities to see the colors, until days ago.

It was a normal day for me. I woke up and did my morning routine as usual. I fixed my hair and brushed my teeth, did my make-up and put on the school uniform. Today was a special day for me because I was starting my freshman year of high-school. I’ll be honest, I was scared out of my mind and wasn’t ready for high-school. The colors started in flashes like, when I went downstairs to eat breakfast my mom was on the phone with someone, judging by her tone of voice and harsh words it was probably my dad. I blinked and for a split second I swear I saw a pale red. I shook my head and stared at my mom, she glanced at me

“You okay Evelyn?” she looks concerned for a moment.

“Y-yeah I’m fine, I’m just hungry…”  I stare for another half second then I walk over to the toaster and pop a pop tart in, just then my sister comes bounding down the stairs in the sluttiest way she can wear the uniform possible. She’s a junior this year and I’m pretty sure she could care less what the board says about her. She walks up to the counter next to me and smiles.

“Hey, freshie good luck today…You did well on your make up I can barely see your scar” Just then the pop tarts pop out of the toaster and she takes one.

“Come on or we’ll miss the bus” and she walks out the front door and I quickly follow her.  The bus pulls up to the curb and I scurry on and take the first empty seat I see I slouch down and take my ear buds out of my backpack and plug them into my phone, press play on the lighty illuminated screen then close my eyes

this is going to be a weird day’ I say to myself as I drift off to sleep. I’m suddenly jolted awake when the bus stops in another neighborhood to pick up more kids. They pile on one by one and eventually the last kid who gets on sits by me. My breath hitched as he sits down, he’s gorgeous. He turns to me and smiles

“Hi, my name is Layton, I uh.. I’m a freshman” I take out an ear bud and giggle.

“What? I couldn’t hear you, sorry” He blushes and looks at the floor then he rubs the back of his head.

I see colorWhere stories live. Discover now