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I smile and nonchalantly swipe my foot out, he trips and slams his face into the carpeted floor, I wanted to get wood flooring when we first moved in, lucky him. 


"I'm not stupid" I sigh "You were really going to run?" I laugh "I'm hurt"

 he's so pathetic. He slowly gets up from the floor and faces me again with his shoulders back and his chest puffed out. I look at him with no expression

"Are you trying to threaten me with body language?" I say flatly "I've seen eighth graders bigger than you"

"Listen Evelyn I-" There's a knock at the door and my dad freezes and his horrified eyes meet my smirking face.

"I'll get it" I say in sing song voice. He's so screwed. I answer the door with a bright smile on my face.

"Layton! Hey! Thanks for coming over." I step to the side and let him through our plain front door. My mom never liked the seasonal wreaths. My dad was all about those stupid things.

"Hey Evelyn, thanks for letting me come over so late, I know it's only like 7:30 but you know......Who's this? Your dad?"  He looks confused at my dad.  I turn to my dad and sneer at him he glances at the door again.

"Sure, something like that....It's okay though he was just leaving"  I set to the side of the open front door and my dad walks through and turns to look at me and speaks in a very low voice.

"I'll be back later" I mimic him in the same tone.

"No you won't" and with that I close the door then turn to Layton and smile again.

"Sorry about that, I haven't seen him in like 5 years and he has no explanation so....... Want to sit down?"

 "Uh....." Layton dwells on the door for a second more, his color quivering ever so slightly, he then hesitantly nods and sits down next to me.

 "I could like....come back later if you want..." he mumbles and plays with the hem of his shirt with his eyes gazing down at the floor. He's uncomfortable and I can tell. I frown and couch down off the couch so my face is blocking his staring match with the floor.

"Sorry if that bothered you...." I nervously bite my lip and shrug "I don't have a very good relationship with my dad...He kinda ruined my life when he disappeared on me."  Layton looks at me and slightly smiles at me. He lifts his head up so I plop back down on the couch. 

"So uhm... Biology huh?"

"Yeah..." He scratches the back of his neck and sighs. "I just can't get the hang of it"

"Luckily for you I'm a science nerd" I smile and wink at him. He laughs and sits back on the couch.

"Screw Biology. I want to get to know you. Is that okay?" I hesitate before sitting back on the couch with him.

"Uhm sure let's do that...."  He relaxes and turns to me with a smile "Whaddya wanna know?" 

I didn't even have time to think before I blurted out "What's you favorite color?!". It's the question I ask everyone when I first start getting to know people. I had always been like that. Sometimes I would  get annoyed when a persons favorite color didn't correspond or match the color I would see radiating around them, which happened a lot....

"Orange probably" He tells me, shrugging. I let out a small squeal of joy. A contrast color!! How perfect!!! He looks at me odd and I clear my throat. 

"Oh, that's cool..Mines teal." I look down at my hands and see the glow radiating off me and smile  a little. Teal always goes nice with light purple. 

"Where are you from Evelyn?" He glances over at me 

"I should ask where you're from. You're the new kid" I laugh and nudge his shoulder 

"I'll tell you if you tell me" He says behind a wicked grin. 

"Alright, alright. I've lived here, in Cincinnati, all my life"  His eyes widen. 

"Really? Man that must suck....I'm from Arkansas so..." Suddenly the atmosphere changed. I couldn't tell what had happened but something was different. I turn my head to look at him and I realize what's about to go down. He wants to kiss me. I internally panic. He gives me that 'I want to kiss you but I need your unspoken permission' look and I freeze up an weigh my options. My sister will be home any minute so that should keep things from going to far but do I want to kiss him??? Yes, yes I do. I make eye contact with him and I guess something in my body language said 'Kiss me I'm yours' because before I know it he mumbles "Thank you" and our lips meet. 

I've never really been kissed before. I mean Iv'e kissed people but I've never been the one being kissed. It was warm and I liked it. His eyes were shut. I felt mine start to droop closed. 



hehe who walked in. I don't know and neither do you. This'll be good writer/reader bonding time. Sorry I've been slacking I'm a Junior and highschool now and things are pretty rough and also I forgot my username because it's long and stupid so I might be changing it soon so just take note of that. Thanks for reading! Leave a vote :) 

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