Fancy You

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This feeling is so strange and new for her. But it pleased her.

Chaeyoung seems like won't stop hugging her for now, so, instead of draws herself away from the small, Mina mumbles, "okay." She slowly lifts her arms up and starts replying the hug. Her hands were trembling at the start, but after she found its most comfortable position, which is around Chaeyoung's waist, Mina starts sinking her face on the crock of Chaeyoung's neck, smelling Chaeyoung's sweat. She thought it would be silly and gross, but perhaps her thought is exaggerating. She doesn't really mind smelling Chaeyoung's scent.

This is the first time she feels this. The lovely hug, the reassurance whisper, the quiet silence, comfortable moment, pleased feeling.

This is the first time she feels this. This is the first time she feels being loved. And it comes from Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung made her feel this. Chaeyoung, and only Chaeyoung.

12 Fancy You

Mina listened to her words. Mina wanted to change because of her. Mina wanted to be better, because of Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung couldn't be happier than that. The fact that Mina actually listen to her, considering her talk, is already satisfying enough for Chaeyoung. She feels like finally, she's able to affect Mina. She's able to help Mina.

And now, the thought starts becoming Chaeyoung's reason to smile. To carry on living, to fight her own problems.

Mina is a very amazing person. Not everyone could be her, especially with her shitty script of life. Not everyone could hold those weights on her shoulder. Not everyone. And that makes Chaeyoung loves Mina more. Because Mina is a very incredible person. She loves the right person.

Chaeyoung knows, even though she's been saying that Mina is an amazing person, to Mina, is not as amazing as it sounds like. It's very hard for her to keep going straight, to carry on the life, to keep living. It's probably so hard for Mina to breathe either, as every single second on her life is filled with burdens. But that only makes Chaeyoung wants to help Mina more. She wants Mina to learn, to understand that life could be beautiful too. Life is not about wearing mask all the time, and faking everything. For Chaeyoung, it's about how we enjoy it.

After Mina told Chaeyoung that she initiated talk with Momo and Sana, Chaeyoung hugged her. Oh gosh, it's such an embarrassing moment, remember that Chaeyoung was drenched with smelly sweat and all her body is wet and sticky. But, well, she can't hold herself from hugging Mina. She was really proud of Mina, and seeing Mina telling her that thing, that very simple thing, reporting to Chaeyoung proudly and happily, only made Chaeyoung wanted to praise Mina more.

They hugged for over than a minute. Chaeyoung only realized that Mina was actually hugging her back when they parted. Mina's uniform probably got smelly as well. Chaeyoung for a moment felt regret and sorry for that, but the moment she saw Mina's assured smile, all of those feeling suddenly gone. Mina looked so happy, so pleased, and that successfully made Chaeyoung happy too.

And now, she can't stop smiling whenever that moment passed her mind.

"Ms. Son Chaeyoung?"

A voice breaks her imagination, drags her back to reality. It was Ms. Gong's voice, calling her because the latter has been dazing out since the morning. She's a PE teacher, been watching Chaeyoung practicing for the upcoming competition. The other participants are also practicing now, and they are good as well. But her favorite student is Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung is so active and healthy, she also good at every sports. That's why she's been putting more attention to Chaeyoung. Caught the small is dazing out in the middle of their practice is such a waste for her.

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