My best friend

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I glanced the clock it was 6:30.

I kept thinking about his hug. He has total trust in me. I want him to hug me again. Should I hug him? No that's weird. I quickly shook the thought from my head.

I opened my laptop and went to my hard drive. There was twenty-two hours of footage that remained backed up.

A sound broke the silence.

My stomach started growling and that sick familiar emptiness echoed off my stomach's lining. Ryan are you hungry? He knodded and I walked to the kitchen and started heating up two chipotle burrtios I had never eaten.

I placed the burritos on the plate and grabbed two bottles of beer and walked back to the living room.

We sat and ate while editing the video.

This video is going to get so many sponsers---"Shane?" Ryan says, cutting me off.


"I love you." 

Aww.. I love you too man.

"No I mean... I you." He says, staring in my eyes.

My heart started thumping so loud I was afraid he could hear it.

  I closed my computer and turned to face him. How.... Are .... Why?

"Remember when we explored  Penhurst hospital? That door slammed and you held me close to you and led me out because I was to scared to walk by myself."

I looked at him as he explained.

"I've loved you ever since then." He stopped and sighed deeply.

" Jesus Christ! I shouldn't have said anything I'm sorr---"

I leaned in and kissed him, this time I cut him off from his sentence.

I pulled away embarrassed and wiped my lips. A smile formed across his face and it filled my heart with joy. So..... That happened.

"Yeah.... It did."

Does this mean we're a couple now? I ask, running my fingers through my hair.

"Is that what you want?" He asks moving closer to me.

Honestly, I do.

I kissed him once more and led him to my bedroom. We didn't do anything but instead we just layed together. His head layed flat on my chest. I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Shane, are things going to be weird now?" He asks, titling his head up towards me.

No. Why would it be? Statistics show 79% of friends end up together.

"I'm almost certain that's not true." He responds back in a playful tone.

Besides it doesn't matter what others think, I love you and you love me. That's all that counts.

He crawled up and kissed me, leaving his head lying on my shoulder.

I woke up to light pouring in my window. I looked down to see that Ryan was still snuggled tightly in my arms. Ryan. Ryan. Wake up.

"No!" He shouts while clawing at the air.

Ryan! Its okay! It was just a dream.

"No! We were back there! I... I'm sorry!" He says still gasping.

It's okay Ryan. I sat him up and hugged him. Your okay.

We both got dressed and took showers.

"I guess I'm wearing the same clothes." He says placing his shoes on.

I'd let you borrow something but they probably wouldn't fit you. You know with you being five feet tall and all.

"I'm 5'10 shane!" He yells, chuckling.

We got in the car and started driving. Everything was normal until we stopped at a light and a car honked. I heard a gasp and saw Ryan start moving nervously around in his seat.

"Not Again! I'm Sorry! Shane!" Ryan screams.

Ryan! Ryan! What's wrong!? He continued screaming. Ryan! Please your scaring me! I pulled the car over and parked on the side of the highway. Ryan was still gasping and moving his eyes widely as if viewing something in VR. I watched him as his breathing slowly returned to normal and his eyes filled with tears. Whats going on!? Are you okay?

"I'm fine, Just hold my hand please!" He says scaredly.

I latched onto his hand almost immediately until he calmed down, then we continued driving.

Ryan... What was that?

"I'm not sure.... It was like a flashback or something."

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