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I sat on my couch crying loudly.

What would Ryan do?
What would Ryan do?
What would Ry-- I stopped.

Oh my god! I ran out of the room and dug through Ryan's stuff, until finally I found it.

The EVP machine or as Ryan called it "The Spirit box."

For once I actually hoped this stuff was real. I turned it on and set it on the floor. It blared a loud staticy sound as it skipped through the radio stations.

Okay here we go.

Ryan. It's me shane. Are you here?
The machine blared loudly. I tried once more.


Ryan Please.

I wiped away a tear that escaped from my eye.


I reached for the off button---



"Shane!" Its dark."

Ryan! Ryan is it really you!?

"Tall man." He says back.

It is you! Ryan I miss you so much!

"I miss....

you too."

Ryan I'm sorry I couldn't save you, I tried, I really did! Now your gone and its my fault! And I'm so sorry!




"Ve you--"

Please don't leave.

No response.

I switched off the EVP machine and clutched it close to my body.


       ~~~Four days later~~~

"Shane? Where have you been its been a week?" Freddie asks, walking in my door.

She stared at me. "Have you been here all this time?"

Yes. Because Ryan...might...come...back.

"Shane." She says, pulling me up.

"Ryan would want you to move on."

I stood up and immediately broke down. I miss him so much! He died because I couldn't save him! .

I bent over and hugged her. "It wasn't your fault."

Losing you Ryan×shane❤Where stories live. Discover now