What was I doing with my life?

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After leaving the store, I realized I forgot the snacks I came to get. I promptly turned around and marched back into the store. I checked to see if Damien was in there, he wasn't. Good, I didn't need to deal with him right now. A girl has to have priorities, and that included junk food.

I grabbed a frozen Coke, Doritos, and some candy, then paid for everything. The clerk bagged up the chips and sweet for me. I strolled out of the store with the bag in one hand and the frozen Coke in the other.

As I started for home, I heard someone say, "I told you, you couldn't resist me," causing me to fumble with my drink and bag. The bottle hit the ground as did the bag. I screamed in frustration, "Ugh!" I looked at him as he leaned against the wall with a smirk. "Don't you have some stupid hoe to sleep with?"

"Not at the moment, but it's always early," he remarked as I picked up my items and tossed my drink container into the garbage, then I went back into the store to get another one.

Once I finished paying, I came back out of the store to find him still there.

"Look, I'm not into some stupid bet that you think I should be a part of in your puny mind. Go find some other sucker to agree to your bullshit," I told him.

"Feisty, I like that. Most girls aren't like you," he commented.

"Because most girls don't have half a brain. I prefer to use all my brain," I said with a smirk.

"Weren't you the chick that was all into bad boys?" He asked me.

"Yeah, the bad boys not their best friend," I retorted.

"Why, because I'm not an asshole like Rocco?" He questioned me.

"What do you want from me?" I asked him, feeling more annoyed that he was keeping me from my mindless binge-watching and enjoying my junk food.

"I have a suggestion if you're up for it," he mentioned as I looked at him. "You help me, and I'll show you how much of a bad boy I truly am."

"If you mean by helping you, you mean getting Elise, you can forget it. Just give it up already," I informed him as I turned and left. Seriously, what is wrong with him?


Damn it, I thought for sure she would help me. This one was a bit tougher than I realized. I got on my bike and started it, pulling out of the parking lot. I drove for a while until I came to an area and stopped. I got off my bike and walked over to a rock, sitting down.

I know I shouldn't have these feelings with Roc's girl, but I can't help it. All my life, I grew up treated like shit. My old man was an asshole, my mother skated, and I never had one decent relationship.

That day I went to see Elise. I should have kissed her. If I did, maybe I would have her, but Rocco beat me to it. He didn't even deserve her. All the shit he put her through, and she still ended up with him. I didn't get it.

As I sat there, I heard a bike pull up and stop. The person got off and walked over to where I was and sat down next to me.

"I thought I would find you here," they said.

I turned and looked at Jag, then turned back, looking off into the distance.

"You still pouting over the fact, you're never going to have Elise?" He asked me.

"I'm not pouting," I answered.

"Dude, you're pouting. I swear let some chick around you that's all sweet and innocent and you fucking pout. What is with you and these chicks?" He asked me.

I looked at him. "You should talk. You were in some crazy ass three relationships with Rocky and Jaden, not to mention all the other idiots you hooked up with," I commented.

"What can I say? Variety is the spice of life," he retorted as I laughed at his idiotic ways. "What about that chick Ramona? I think you would have a better shot at that than Elise."

"It's not going to happen. That chick would rather be with someone like Roc than with someone like me. According to her, she doesn't like the bad boy's best friend," I told him.

"Ouch, that blows. Then forget about Ramona, she isn't worth the trouble. Find some easy chick, hit it, and quit it. You'll feel better when you do," he said as he got up and walked away.

"You're a douche, Jag," I yelled after him. He proceeded to flip me off.

I sat there, and all I could ask myself was, what have I done with life?  I'm pining after my best friend's girl. I can't seem to get it together. Maybe Jag was right; perhaps I should hook up with some random chick. 

I got on my bike and drove over to Jaden's where I was currently staying.  I was saving for my place.  Now that I was free from my old man and out of high school, I would be working at Roc's shop alongside him and Jag.

I walked into the house and over to the fridge, grabbing a beer. I walked over to the couch and sat down as I drank my beer. A few minutes later, Jaden arrived with some random dick, and I held my beer up to them as they went to her room.

I sat and drank my beer while they got it on as I thought to myself, my life was pretty sad, good thing there was a fridge full of beer. Maybe if I drank myself into a stupor, so I could forget about love, I doubt it, but one could hope.

No one wanted the bad boy's best friend.

Yeah, I know, I didn't plan on releasing the sequel to Everyone Loves The Bad Boy Except Me. Oops, my bad, but eh, what can you do?

Enjoy everyone.

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