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After talking to Brian for a while about the band, and interrogating Mirina about how exactly her and Brian met, completely forgetting to tell her about why I came to her apartment in the first place, I heard a knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" I say as I briskly walk to the  door. I grab the handle and turn it, feeling a rush of excitement and worry go through my veins. This is the first band I've ever met, let alone celebrities, from what I've heard. I got front row seats at the Beatles tour I attended, and Paul touched my hand, but that was luck. This is really gonna happen. Even though I've never heard of Queen, I felt a connection somehow. The door opens and standing in front of me are a..peculiarly dressed set of men. Sure enough, the man that I saw in front of me at CVS was standing front and center at the door, wearing what seemed to be white wings of some sort as his sleeves, connected to a while leotard. The brown, frizzy haired boy looked decently normal, wearing a maroon blazer and dark purple shirt underneath, with bell bottom pants to go along with it. The blonde one came with a sparkly black long sleeve with an open front, exposing his chest. He had velvet dark red pants to go along with it, his icy blue eyes catching my interest. I smiled at them.

"Hi! Brian is in the next room straight ahead. I'm Grace." I stuck out my hand. The brown haired man came up first, shaking it and smiling.

"Hi there! I'm John Richard Deacon, born on Augu-"

Freddie put his hand over John's mouth.

"Please excuse him. Hi, I'm Freddie Mercury. Pleasure." He went right in for a hug. I smiled widely and hugged him back, with the extreme scent of marijuana filling my nose. They both went inside, and then it was just me and blondie.

"Hey." He said casually.

"Hey, uhm..."

"...Roger. Roger Taylor. It's nice to meet you." He smirked and stuck out his hand. I grasped it and shook it gently.

"You know what? Let me be as bold as Freddie. Come here." He extended his arms, and I was reluctant for a second, but gave in and smiled as he hugged me back. He smelled of cigarettes and citrus.


"Sorry about my other bandmates. They can be extremely outgoing and obnoxious." He said as he started walking. I locked the door and looked at him up and down.

I laughed. "Your outfit literally screams 'outgoing and obnoxious' but say what you want."

He smirked at me and laughed back.

"Says the girl wearing a Beatles tour t-shirt. At least I have some style."

I rolled my eyes and walked down the hallway to where Mirina and the rest of the band were talking. She looked at me and smiled.

"You and Roger already kicking it off, huh?"

Freddie chimes in after her. "Oh darling, knowing Roger, they probably just had a quickie in your bathroom."

Roger furrows his eyebrows and looks at me as the rest of the band and Mirina are laughing. He just shakes his head and looks forward.

Brian decides to pop in as well. "Lordy me. Mirina and I, and now Grace and Roger? Oh, Freddie and Mary, of course! John, you bloody pipsqueak, you need to find yourself a mate as well!"

I bit my lip and looked at Mirina, but she didn't catch my drift and kept the conversation going.

"Grace and Roger just met each other a few seconds ago, Brian. Calm down. They'll have to have a few more quickies to really and truly know if they're right for each other."

I turned around and bust through the door, running up the stairs to Mirina's apartment to get to her guest bedroom where I'd normally stay. I heard footsteps behind me, and I knew exactly who it was.

I shut the door, but the second I did, another person walked in.

They sat down next to me.

"Im so sorry. I was just caught up in the heat of the moment and everyone was laughing and I wanted to make a good impression in front of Brian and I completely forgot about what you told me an-" I cut them off.

"It's fine, Mirina. I understand. Just please try not to bring it up too much." I smiled at her.

She gave me a side hug and then walked out.

I sat there for a moment, just taking a few deep breaths. I didn't think she'd do that, but she did. I tried to let it go, but I couldn't.

2 Years Ago *trigger warning*

"Stop! Someone help!" said as he started to rip my blouse off.

"No one can hear you so there's no use in saying that." He growled in my ear. I tried everything to loosen  from his grip, but there was no use anymore. He finally got my blouse off and then he began to struggle with my brassiere. I tried to kick him in the testicles, but it only kept him down for a minute. I went to the door to try to leave, but it was locked. I then felt a pair of cold hands grab my shoulders and grab my pants and rip them down to my ankles. I started sobbing, but again, there was no use. I was trapped.

I didn't even realize I was crying until I got out of my daydream, or should I say, nightmare, until I felt warm arms wrap around me and hug me. It wasn't Mirina, it felt masculine. I was about to pull away, but I felt safe. It wasn't like last time, where it was rough and cold, and by a person I didn't want that kind of contact from. It felt nice. The scent came back from a few minutes earlier that smelt oh-so familiar to me;

cigarettes and citrus.

My sobs got even harder as I held on to whatever I could grasp onto on this man.

"Shhh..I've got you."


I tried to calm down as I pulled away and looked at him.

"R-roger? What are you doing?"

"I was looking for the bathroom, and I heard someone crying." He smiled.

"Oh. Well, thank you for coming up here, I guess." I said as I wiped my eyes.

"Do you mind if I ask why you're crying? It wasn't because of the jokes they were making downstairs was it?"

I nodded my head as if saying 'no.'

"I'd rather not talk about it. But thank you so much for being here for me. I appreciate it."

He nodded in approval and stood up and opened the door for me.

"That can't happen again." I thought to myself.

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