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As I walked downstairs with Roger, Brian was already smiling, and I knew he was about to make another joke. Mirina saw this, and immediately slapped his chest. She ran to me and hugged me for at least a minute, then let me go and looked at me sympathetically, then glanced at the boys with a type of anger that I honestly can't even describe.

"Didn't you guys have to discuss a record deal or something?" Mirina asked as she gingerly placed her hand on my shoulder and looked at the group of band members.

"Oh yeah! I completely forgot about that. Come on my little fishies, let's go to the kitchen." Freddie said enthusiastically. John and Brian followed him immediately, while Roger just lingered in the room for a second with his hands folded. He then glanced at me, gave me and Mirina a quick, awkward smile, then walked briskly to the kitchen. Mirina looked at me.

"Now that they're gone and out of our hair, sit down and tell me why you came over."

I completely forgot why I was even at her apartment for a while.


I told her everything. From when my mom threw the wine glass at my head, to her unusual behavior, to seeing Freddie at CVS, up to me actually moving out and going to see her.

"That's honestly so terrible, I'm so sorry. If you need, you know you could always stay with me in the guest room. You can move in your stuff and everything."

She gasped.

"Oh, we could live together! How nice would that be! You just have to help pay rent. But oh how cool would that b-"

I cut her off before she could continue with my obnoxious laughter. She gave me a weird look.


"I'm sorry, but that just sounds like the best idea you've ever had. It just caught me off guard."

She laughed along with me.

"You want to do it?" She asked hopefully.

I smiled a huge grin at her.

"Of course." She jumped up from her olive colored couch and hugged me, with the scent of her expensive perfume getting wafted into my nose. The boys walked out of the kitchen.

"Alright, that was nice. We're going to leave now. Thank you for letting us use your kitchen." Freddie exclaimed loudly.

Brian walked over to Mirina and gave her a big smooch on the cheek, then whispered something that sounded like "I'll see you later." in her ear. I laughed and she stuck her tongue out at me. While everyone was talking, Roger pulled me off to the side. After standing and staring at each other, waiting for someone to say something, he finally said a simple, "Hey." and I responded with the same.

"How are you holding up?" He furrowed his eyebrows and looked down on me.

"I'm feeling better, thanks."

He folded his hands in front of him and looked back at me. After a moment of silence from us and an uproar of laughter coming from the conversation Freddie, John, Brian, and Mirina were having, Roger spoke.

"I really want to see you again. Not as a date or in a romantic way, I just think you're interesting."

I laughed. "Ah yes. The girl that cried into the arms of a man that she just met is so intriguing."

Roger laughed along with me.

"There's just something about you. I really want to know more."

"Well, I just moved in here, like today, so if this becomes the band's new meeting spot, it won't be to difficult for you to find me." I giggled.

"I'll take that into consideration."

I then remembered what had happened in the bedroom an hour or so before this, and thought about how grateful I was for him to actually come and tend to me while I was crying. I opened my arms and wrapped them around Roger's neck. I whispered into his hair.

"Thank you, genuinely. I appreciate you being there for me."

He smiled as I pulled away.

"No problem. If you ever need anything, I'll be there for you."

The band was calling his name, so I assumed that was his queue to leave. I smiled and waved at him and he and the other band members walked out the door. Mirina locked it, then looked at me.

"You so like him."

"At least I haven't had sex with him the first day I met him." I laughed.

"Oh, shut it."

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