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Two weeks passed like we were only on break for two days. We were back at school and all everyone was talking about was the Washington trip in June mind you it only January. Teachers were talking about almost everyday in each class and the students were talking about it.

This better be a bomb trip the way we're talking about it. It's a 5 day trip and we were visiting places like the Washington monument and the White House blah blah honestly I was only going because it got me out of school Michelle and Ned was going and Peter wanted me to go.

We were going other places besides historical places like the movies and shopping so that should be fun too.
I was in class listening to Michael Jackson as peter came up to me taking one ear bud out my ear putting it in his making me smile.

"I'm going to start calling you MJ" he said as I laughed "please don't" I asked "MJ....it sticks" he stated as I giggled. "Can you help me with this?" I asked sliding him over the math homework from over the break that's due next period.

"You need help with math?" He asked in a gasp as I looked at him "I'm serious I didn't understand it and I hate math" I said as he handed me his work.

"Oh my gosh thank you so much!" I squealed about to take the paper from him "nope...what are you doing this weekend?" He asked as I thought about it "home work and helping plan my mother's baby shower" I said.

"you don't go any where unless it's my house or your birthday or anybody else's birthday"  he stated "you're one to talk you never went anywhere until we started talking because of your stark internship" I whispered the last part as he chuckled.

"I was going to ask if you wanted to go out to eat but I see you got things planned" he started off as I smiled.

"Be ready by 6 on Saturday " he said as I smiled "okay" I said "that's if you want to come take me out" I said taking the paper from him as he smirked he was about to say something but Ned and Michelle appeared.

"How was you guys break?" Michelle asked "besides us getting snowed in at his house, break was cool"  I stated "yeah me too" peter added. "So you didn't have fun at my house?" He asked as I giggled.

"Wait so you two were at the house?" Michelle asked as we nodded "alone?" Ned asked confused as we nodded again.

"Yeah what's up?" Peter asked confused "and you two didn't do anything?" Michelle questioned "we wrapped gifts up for Christmas and watched Christmas movies, what's the problem?" I asked.

"You two aren't secretly dating... are you?" Ned asked as we looked at each other and laughed "no we're just friends" peter said as they looked between us.

"Mhm I don't know" Michelle said as I giggled "we are I promise" I said as they kept eyeing us and sitting at their combine desk in front of us still looking back at us.

We laughed as I went back to doing my work. Peter nudged my arm as I looked up at him. "What?" I whispered "I got someone who wants to meet you after school" He whispered back as i looked at him confused "who?" I questioned.

"It's a surprise just wait for me after school" peter said as I looked at him. "It's better not be no captain America or nothing like that I got homework " I said as he chuckled.

"Just enjoy the surprise please?" Peter asked as I smiled at him. I continued to do my work and the bell soon rung. And the day went by smoothly.

I walked out into the front of the school as peter came next to me. "Come on" he said smiling grabbing my hand pulling me down the stairs as an expensive car pulled up in front of us.

A man got out and opened the door for me as I was confused "hi you must be Y/N?" He asked with his hand sticking out "I'm Happy Hogan, Mr. Starks assistant" he said smiling as I shook his hand.

"So why are you here?" I asked "The kid wanted it to be a surprise" happy said as I gave peter a look. "Well at least tell me what time we'll be back so I can tell my mother something" I said looking between them.

"Tell her 8 and you're at my place doing a project" he stated "what if she calls your aunt?" I asked "because you know she will" I added.

"My aunts at work so I told her you are coming over" peter said as I looked at him and he sighed "just get in the car" he started off "please?" He asked as I rolled my eyes playfully then smiled getting in the car.

Happy was in the process of closing the door. "Hey what about me?" Peter asked "get your own door" happy said to peter as I giggled.

Peter went on the other side sliding in next to me. "So we're going to see iron man like I said?" I asked as he chuckled "it's a surprise just trust me" he said as grabbing my hand as I smiled.

"Happy can you roll the divider up" he asked "um that's a no go, you two are boo'd up ,no" happy said as I giggled.

"Happy we're just friends" peter assured as I nodded "No, Mr. Stark is not going to kill me because you two are pulling up with bruises on your necks" he said as peter and I looked at each other and laughed.

"Watch" I whispered as peter looked "Mr. Happy I am a child of God and I believe that he's the only man I'll ever need in my life s-" I was cut off by Happy.

"You two are not slick in the slightest" he said as we snickered. "I guess I'm going to have to annoy you" peter suggested sitting up as Happy looked like he was ready to be agitated.

"Happy when is our next mission?" Peter asked "Oh no, not this shit" happy started off.

"Alright! Keep your hands and all body parts too yourself don't get too quiet because If you do I know what you two are doing" he stated. "Thank you" peter said.

"No I'm just happy for Y/N she's keeping you out of my hair" he said smiling at me then his smiled dropped when he looked at peter.

"Thank youuuuu" Peter said as happy ignored him and rolled the partition up.
"So is there food involved because I'm hungry" I said as he nodded "food and you will be back at home before your 9 o clock curfew" he teased as I laughed.

"Ha. Ha whatever" I sarcastically said as peter smiled at me making me smile. "All you do is smile" he said as I giggled.

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I asked as he chuckled "no no that's a good thing"he said as I smiled.

I kissed his cheek as he turned and kissed my lips. I continued to kissing his lips slowly as I placed my hand on his face and he deepened it.

"You two are real quiet!" Happy yelled as peter took his lips from mine "we had a long day at school we're tired" peter yelled then smiled at me as we continued to kiss.

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