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It's been almost a week and Y/N has been ignoring me especially after the project was done and we had to present tomorrow. Homecoming was in two weeks and I wanted to go with Y/N, every time there was a school dance something was always in the way of us going and I wanted to take her finally.

I was about to knock on Y/N's front door as I heard girls laughing behind me. I turned and seen Y/N's team mates that's on the dance team with her. "Oh hey peter what's up?" One said as I faintly smiled with a small wave and moved out the way so they could knock on the door. Michelle came up the stairs also "peter if I were you I wouldn't be here" Michelle warned as Y/N opened the door and she hugged the girls and greeted them then looked at me as she hurried and looked away.

Michelle gave me a look walking inside as they said something to each other and Y/N looked at me and stepped out the house closing the door behind her. "What?" She asked as I was just standing there stuck.

She was about to go back inside but I grabbed her hand and she looked at me snatched her hand away

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She was about to go back inside but I grabbed her hand and she looked at me snatched her hand away. "Peter I have to go practice we're performing tomorrow what?" She questioned. "I uh wanted to apologize" I started off as she shook her head "you don't have to apologize I'm okay" she said trying to go back inside but I stopped her.

"No I wanted to apologize for how I've been acting towards you an-" I started off as she shook her head. "No you're only apologizing because Noah is taking me to homecoming leave me alone and talk to Chelsea" she simply said as I just looked at her. "You always bring up Noah like I care about him" I said as she looked at me. "And you bring up Chelsea knowing I don't fuck with her knowing she say certain things to me which is the opposite of what you claimed you liked about me and yet you still following after her" she said as I squinted my eyes.

"So you're upset because I'm talking to her and she talks badly about you?" I questioned. "Yeah because you claimed when we were together she was wrong for how she is and blah blah blah but as soon as YOU break up with me and I'm not with the fuck shit you want to be "with" her so then be with her, but you out of all people should know me better and know I'm not with that shit" she stated about to walk inside.

"So what about Noah? You're going to homecoming with him just to get back at me so what makes you any different?" I asked.

"Peter this has nothing to do with Noah don't you see that?! You always bring up Noah to justify why you are messing with Chelsea. I actually want to go to homecoming with him and not to get back at you he's a cool person" she stated as I grew frustrated "so we're not going to homecoming with each other?" I asked.

"No you just sat here for weeks trying to make me jealous with a person who constantly taunts and makes fun of me because of my features all because this stemmed from a picture that was proven that it wasn't what it was and me showing the new boy around the school You seem to be the one jealous" she explained.

"Y/N-" I started off trying to touch her hand but she took her hand away. "Don't touch me, you broke up with me so why are you even here?" She asked as I placed my hands in my pockets. "Yeah you're right" I said as she went to go reach for the front door and I walked off the porch going home in my feelings.

I called Ned to come over and we were talking "yeah I think she's really done with me this time" I said lowly laying back on my bed. "I don't know what to tell you" Ned said as I sat up looking at him "dude this is when you tell me it's going to be alright" I said as Ned looked at me. "Yeah for Noah, you basically just handed her over to him being a dick" Ned said.

"You broke up with her and you really expected Y/N to come back after everything you've been doing" Ned explained as I sighed "Ned I already know everything I've did wrong" I simply said. "No you don't because if you did Chelsea would not be coming over later" Ned said getting up.

"Where are you going?" I asked "on a date with Michelle" he simply said as I sighed. "So what do I do?" I questioned "at this point just be friends but right now give her some space and time" Ned stated as I sighed "she doesn't even show any type of emotion towards the situation, she has yet to cry maybe it was all fake from the beginning" I brought up placing my face in my hands as Ned placed his hand on my back.

"No peter she would've never went this long dealing with you if it was fake" he said as I sighed and left out. I went into the quiet kitchen trying to find something to eat but decided to go to Delmar's.

I walked in getting something to drink and seen Noah ordering a sandwich along with talking with Mr. Delmar. "Yes she's beautiful I'm sure you've seen her around, Y/N?" Noah asked as Mr. Delmar nodded "ohhhh miss Y/N
I know her" Mr. Delmar said with a smile.

"Yes I'm taking her to homecoming" Noah said excitedly as I rolled my eyes some. "I hope you two have fun" Mr. Delmar stated handing him two sandwiches. "Thanks I'll see you later Mr. Delmar" Noah said walking out the bodega.

I walked to the counter placing my things on it about to order but Mr. Delmar interrupted. "You look bad peter" he said as I sighed "what happened?" He questioned "I broke up with her and didn't mean it and now she doesn't want to get back together" I simply said looking down. "Boy I remember when you were that excited coming in here now you don't even look like yourself" he said as I looked at him as I faintly smiled. "I'm fine it's just high school anyway." I simply said as he handed me my sandwich.

"You need to talk to someone" he said as I nodded and paid for the sandwich then walked out. I went back to the house as Chelsea was getting out the car. "Hey peter" she greeted as I waved and we went inside the apartment building.

"You alright?" She asked as I nodded "yeah I'm good" I faintly said as we got to the my floor and I unlocked the door. We walked in and she looked at me. "You sure you're okay?" She questioned as I nodded. "Yeah I'm just hungry" I said as it was quiet for the first fifteen minutes while I was eat she was scrolling on Instagram.

"So I'm about to give you a make over" she started off as I gave her a look she started pulling things out. "You have the potential to be my boyfriend but not all the way the look has to match it" she said as I looked at her.

"If you like someone why are you trying to change them?" I asked "it's only so you can win silly" she said touching my nose with her finger tip. "Chelsea I'm kind of not feeling well so can we do this another day" I lied as she pouted "oh come on" she said as she started trying to do my hair. "I'm serious just give me the outfit and I promise I'll wear it and do whatever with my hair in the morning but right now I don't feel good" I explained as she placed her lips on mine.

She begun to kiss my lips as I slowly gave in then pulled away. I looked at her then she placed her lips back on mine as I leaned away "I'll see you tomorrow Chelsea" I stated "so that's it?!" She asked "please go I don't feel good" I lied as she left out.

I texted happy if he could come over and talk. Then I texted Y/N a long paragraph of how I felt and an apology.

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