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I woke up from my little power nap, to be shaken awake by Jonah. I look up at him, humming at his features, at this point not caring that Christina was most likely looking at us in disgust. After all, I am her boyfriend but not the person I believe that I truly belong with.

I look over at her, she just has that look of disapproval in her eyes. I ignore it, try to shake it off. Jonah gives me a small smile, letting me know that he's there to help me cope. I snuggle into Jonah as we walk into the hospital. He's the only person that doesn't seem to put for blood, I appreciate that.

I feel scared, still shaken from the crash, I don't know where to run, who to run to. I feel like I'm just wandering, everyone I turn to deserting me. "What happened?" A nurse off her shift says running up to us.

"Um, we were just in a car crash, my head hurts pretty bad. Jonah who was on the other end of the crash, helped pull me out. That's my girlfriend Christina over there. I'm Corbyn by the way, with a 'y'. " I say giving her a run down of the situation and introducing her to everyone.

"Ok Corbyn, come with me, let's get you an MRI, check up to make sure your ok. I'm Tate by the way, nice to meet you Corbyn." She says calmly taking me to what I presume is the MRI room. "Thanks Tate, for helping me. I'm just really frazzled and I feel like everyone is drifting away from me slowly and I can't hold on to them."

"Hey, it's gonna be ok, some people come into your life for a specific reason, sometimes it's to help you realize a truth about yourself. People are in your life for one reason or another some you might not fully understand and that's ok. Just give it time." She says giving me a warm, comforting smile.

"Thanks, that really helps." I say exchanging that same smile. "Ok, now lay back and just breathe. It's ok you're gonna ok bud." She says as she walks back to the room where she can monitor the scan. "I'm here if you need anything." She says through the speaker.

After a few minutes she gets the results back, "Corbyn..." "What Tate?!" I say impatiently. "Just say it. I can take it." I say almost feeling the tears building. "Corbyn, I'm not sure you can..." she says trying to soften the blow I'm about to take.

"Please..." "You have a concussion, a bad one." "Ok and?" "Corbyn it's bad...you might start to loose your memories, not your recent ones but ones you've had for years. You have retrograde amnesia. Meaning that you'll lose all your memories before the crash, it'll happen slowly but you'll still remember memories of when you met Jonah for example." She says as she looks at the hurt in my eyes.

"So your saying...I'll lose my memories of Christina? All our moments together?" I say almost coming to tears as she just shakes her head. I run out of the room, shaking my head in disbelief. Tears staining my cheeks, clouding my vision.

I don't know why but hearing that I would slowly lose her and I couldn't do anything about it, it hurt way more than I thought. It felt like a piece of me was getting torn shreds slowly, ever so slowly. Losing her, even though she wasn't always the best, still hurts.

I jump into his arms, wanting to not face the fact that this happening. I'll have to face it sooner or later, but for now, I wanna just be in his arms. I guess we just instantly connected, awkwardness and all.

Jonah just rubs my back, calming me down, telling me it's ok. "I'm scared Jo..." I say, sniffling, tears trickling down my cheeks. "Corbyn, what's wrong? You're going to tell me." He says looking into my eyes like he's not leaving until I tell him.

I see Christina looking at us out of the corner of my eye. "Ok, but come with me. She can't know, not yet." I whisper softly into his ear as hug tighter. I grab his hand leading him out of the room and within earshot of Christina.

"Can you take what I'm about to tell you?" I say pulling away holding his hands in mine. "Yeah...what is it Corbs?" He says, with that scared look in his eye, laced in his eye was that look of concern too. It made me feel better about myself, better about the fact that he cares.

I blushed at the fact that he called Corbs I find it really cute. "Jonah, I have retrograde amnesia...meaning that I'll lose all my memories of Christina. I'll start to lose all my memories I've made of the years...I mean sure she's controlling and possessive, but still hurts more than I thought..." I say starting to cry into his arms.

"Come here, it's ok, it's gonna hurt for a while but I can help you cope with this if you want...I know it's hard and I don't want you to-" I cut him off, "Yes please." He pulls me into another hug, kissing the top of my head, making both him and I blush insanely.

I look up at him and just smile. "Y'know Corbyn, you're so strong. We will get through this together." He says giving me a protective and warm smile. Just that simple action made me feel twenty times better about coping with it and most of all telling the person it'll hurt most.


A/n oof I get shook just writing it.

WC: 971

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