Ch. 9: Mission on Campus and Falling in Love

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After saving Mary-Elise from those three thugs, Beca brought her to her's and Fat Amy's dorm room. Mary-Elise didn't want to go back to her own dorm. It was too far and her roommate wasn't home tonight. Jesse was also kind enough to stay with them and help however he could. Beca hadn't seen her since being kicked out of the Bellas. They texted here and there of course, but haven't seen each other. Beca sat next to her on her bed with her arm around her shoulders while Jesse fixed her a warm soothing tea.

"Thanks guys, you really don't have to do all this, you've already done so much" she gratefully stated.

"No, please, it's no problem" Jesse assured as he sat next to Fat Amy on her bed.

"Are you feeling any better?" Beca asked.

"Yea, I think I'm ok" she said after taking a bug gulp of her tea. "Thanks to you two that is. I don't know how I could thank you" she went on and Beca smiled.

"Can you tell us what happened?" Fat Amy asked.

Mary-Elise took in a deep breath before speaking.

"I went back to a friend's dorm room when I realized I had left my key there during a small girl's party she threw earlier today. On my way back, those three guys were... hanging out and chatting amongst themselves as I walked by. When they saw me, they started walking with me and hitting on me. They tried grabbing at me, but I kept pulling away and telling them I wasn't interested. Then, the lead guy grabbed me much harder and started pulling me with his friends. I kicked him in the balls and took off running, but they chased after and tackled me to the wall, and that's when I screamed and you guys showed up. It was perfect timing too" she nervously giggled and Beca smiled.

"You didn't know them or recognize them from anywhere?" Jesse asked.

"No" she shook her head.

"I did" Beca said. "They were the same guys that tried to make a move on me and Stacie on Initiation Night. I guess they didn't learn their lesson"

"They need to be stopped before they do something we can't prevent" Jesse stated.

"I agree, but how?" Fat Amy asked.

"Wait, they also wore matching uniforms" Mary-Elise stated.

"Yea, that's right, they were" Beca agreed, just realizing that now.

"Matching uni-wait, did these uniforms have like any symbols or letters on them?" Fat Amy asked.

"I... think they did but I didn't get a good look at it" Mary-Elise replied.

"I think I know what it is" Beca said, having a suspicious thought, before taking out a sheet of paper and pencil from her desk. She did a quick sketch of the symbol she thought it was and showed it to Mary-Elise.

"Yea, that's it" she nodded.

"I knew it" Beca said before handing the paper to Jesse and Fat Amy. "They're with that same frat group we sang for at the Fall Mixer. Um... what the hell was their name?"

"Sigma Beta Theta?" Fat Amy asked.

"Yea" Beca nodded.

"Yea, I remember those guys too. That lead guy was lucky there was people around, or I would've knocked his block off" Fat Amy stated and Beca smirked with an eyeroll.

"I remember them too" Jesse included. "They were marching and chanting back at the activities fair, and my God they were stupid"

"And they seem to be quite the story makers too" Fat Amy noted, looking at her laptop.

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