A Fantasy

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Kiera was simply drawing on a piece of parchment, doing her best attempt of making a sketch of the quill on the desk, when a knock on the door disrupted her focus and she nearly messed up the entire piece. It wasn't a master's work, and she hadn't intended it to be. Just practice, but it was nonetheless still frustrating to almost ruin it.

She sighed, getting up from her seat to answer. It seemed that everyone wanted to talk with her at some point during the day where she was busy, but never when the wind was quiet, and her room seemed to freeze in time. Never was she interrupted in boredom, but indeed she was, when she finally found something productive to do.

Yesterday had been quite interesting for her. She had seen most of the realm, including Castien's favorite spots; the kitchens and the training grounds as well as the dining hall where everyone seemed to enjoy each other's company during meals. She had seen the depths of the dungeons before being shooed away by a guard and had seen the rakes of wine in the cellars with more bottles than seemed possible. She hadn't been there for long before Thranduil had joined her, asking curious questions about her. She knew he didn't trust nor like her and she wasn't surprised. She wouldn't either, but she rather needed him to do so if she wanted to stay here.

And then there was that door she had found. Thranduil hadn't wanted her to see it and he certainly seemed angry that she had snuck around in the Royal Wing. It made her curious. Something hid behind it and she wasn't supposed to know what. Was she the only one? Was everyone else allowed?

As she tried to shrug off her annoyance, she once more opened the door like the day before and met Castien's eyes as he stood straight, giving her a friendly smile despite the seriousness of his job.

"You are to meet Prince Legolas in the library. I am here to bring you there, my lady." He explained, and Kiera arched a surprised brow.

"Am I going there in chains?" She asked bluntly, thinking back to the last time she saw Legolas - apart from her visit in Thranduil's chambers - where he had insisted she was in restraints.

Castien's smile vanished as he looked at her confused. "No. Why would you?" He asked cautiously, suddenly unsure if he had heard the command correctly.

"Because I think he prefers me helpless rather than free." She stated and Castien shook his head, discarding her assumptions.

"No, my lady, that's not true. You won't be in chains." He assured and gestured for her to follow.

Kiera looked herself up and down, wondering if her unworldly clothes would be accepted as an attire and thought that if it wasn't, what would they do? Strip her bare on the spot? Ask her to go back and change? If the first happened, she'd fight her way out of it before they even laid a finger on her. If the second did, she'd simply do it.

Taking a deep breath, she shrugged and walked out the door to do as Castien said, following beside him. She wondered why Legolas needed her, but surely it wasn't something she had done wrong.

Had Thranduil told him of their meeting the day before? Was that what he wanted to talk about? Would they practice? Was he taking her on a patrol? Why were they meeting in the library?

Leaving all her questions without answers, Castien mumbled on along the way of how he had been on guard the whole day and why he looked so much forward to dinner.

"They say there is chicken tonight. Rice and asparagus." He said excitedly, clearly loving the menu for the evening so far. "If she isn't finished with her duties yet, I'll bring something for my sister."

Kiera raised an eyebrow. "Who's your sister?" She asked, open for developing further friendships than the ones she had at the moment.

Castien smiled brightly, obviously proud to admit who it was. "Her name is Miriel. She is a maid, favored by the king, actually. He is very satisfied with her work and I'm very proud of her for all she's done. I'll introduce you!" He suggested happily, and Kiera let out a short laugh.

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