53. My friends are so depressed

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The next morning I drove to the music store.

- Hey Matt!

I shouted as I approached my boss.

- Josh! Hi!

He responded and patted my back.

- We've got a break from the tour and I thought it would be cool to see how you're doing.

- Oh man, we're doing better everyday. People are bringing their guitars for sale. But there's not enough space in here to sell second hand stuff.

Matt said and scratched his head. I didn't need any time to think about this.

- Let's open another location so we could buy and sell used instruments. Not everybody can afford new stuff.

I told him.

- Yeah, I thought about it. But premises in the downtown are fucking expensive.

- I can become your business partner and pay half of the expenses.

- Would you do that? Investing in business like this is very risky. You never know if there are going to be any customers.

- Some risks are worth taking. I've always dreamed about opening my own store and it's a great opportunity.

- Let me think about that. I'll call you soon.

- Great.

I said and sat behind the counter next to Matt.

- How's life?

My boss asked.

- Depends on which field. I'm still heartbroken and alone, I haven't talked to my ex for at least 2 weeks. I hadn't seen Johnny in over a month. I'm afraid to confront her.

- Why?

- We fought. She made the decision to send him to a nursery and I didn't want to agree. And she found another guy. She's been bringing my son to his house and it makes me fucking angry.

- This is how the things are, Josh. People move on. You should as well. Are you still living with John?

- No, actually yesterday I moved into a new house. John bought it for me. I'm so fucking happy.

- Whoa, you're lucky, man.

- I know. I'll invite you over for a beer when I finish unpacking.

- Sure, I'll definitely come.

I went up to shelves with records and thought about Maggie. I saw a special edition of Physical Graffiti with 3 CDs. I didn't think much and just bought it for her. I hoped she would come by so I could give it to her.

On the way back I did grocery shopping. For the rest of the day I had been unpacking and cleaning up. I also called Lilly. She let me take Johnny for the weekend.

The next morning I got up, took a shower, shaved and got dressed into my favorite tracksuit. I was in a great mood, I had no idea why. I ate cereal with milk and suddenly felt inspired to pick up guitar. I plugged in my Strat to a small amp. I sat on the floor and began playing.
Then I heard a doorbell. I opened the door and I saw Maggie.

- Hi Josh, can I come in?

She asked.

- Of course.

I answered and let her in.

- Shouldn't you be at school, Maggie?

I asked.

The lost son ~John Frusciante and Josh KlinghofferWhere stories live. Discover now