🐑Entry: 130🐑

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4/16/19 (Yes, I know it's posted late, sorry)
Listen how amazing this song is, Jack (Sean) is just as great.
Oh also this OneShot is camping in a cabin (just to clarify).
Oh also (again) when I last time said I was really excited about my next OneShot, I changed my mind it was really hard to write that OneShot and made me stressed since it was about a topic that I don't know much about (I even watched some videos about it but it obviously didn't work) so I wrote this one instead and I like it more! But I will still write that "other" OneShot in the future when I'm more a "skilled" writer.


Y/N = Your Name
L/N = Last Name
N/N = Nickname
F/S = Favorite Snack
C/N = Crush Name
C/L/N = Crush Last Name
A/N = Authors Note


                "Let's camp together this summer!" I said that to my three friends months ago on the last day of school. But even though I love my friends and all, I actually love one of them, (I mean love is a big word but still)    C/N.  It was really only for him. I don't want to seem creepy but I want to be with him as much as I can (without seeming creepy) I just want to hug him and cuddle with him and all other romantic stuff! But I can't, so going to camp with him is good enough. Anyway, camping day is tomorrow and I've been thinking about what to wear and worrying about things that probably wouldn't happen. Half of my brain always cares too much and the other half thinks the other half is stupid. Again, I can't wait for tomorrow, I need to document this in my journal. I think I'm going to bring it.

3rd Person❤

                   Y/N walked in the kitchen to get an F/S. All of her stuff for camp sat near the front door. But while Y/N was snacking, Anissa's car (With C/N and Darwin also inside) pulled up in front of Y/N's house. Anissa honked to get Y/N's attention but when it didn't work Darwin lept out of the car and knocked on Y/N's kitchen window and hollered. "What the fuck?!" Y/N yelled, frighten from the loud noise as she dropped her F/S. "Hurry up! Let's go now if we leave later we will get there late." With the thick glass in front of Darwin's face, it made his voice foggy, cloudy, (A/N: Insert other "cloudy" adjectives), etc. Luckily Y/N understood and booked it out the front door with all of her stuff.


                     Anissa opened the trunk and Darwin helped stuff all of my stuff in the overcrowded trunk (A/N: Too much junk in the trunk!) All of the stuff was stacked upon each other so I couldn't see that C/N was in the back seat. Once my stuff was in Darwin got inside the passenger seat and when I got in the car I looked straight forward "Let's go pick up C/N!" I say unusually enthusiastically. "Nah, I'm right here" I turn my head and I see C/N on his phone, he looks up and smiles then chuckles "You reminded me of a pirate who found land" I laugh along. "I just didn't know you were here and we were picking you up last," I say while nervously rubbing the back of my neck (A bad habit of mine) "Nope, Anissa actually picked up C/N first, before me!" Darwin butts in "And I live closer to her!" Everyone laughs at Darwin's comment and I laugh with them but I'm secretly jealous. Wait, how come Anissa picked C/N up first? It is true that Darwin lives closer to Anissa so why did she make the extra effort to pick him up first? Does she like C/N? If she does, there is no reason why C/N wouldn't like her. She's so confident and outgoing I need to learn from her...

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