Day 1

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The day he came back was no ordinary day. In fact, he was standing on the other side of the gates when you and AJ , Allen Jr., walked by.

He set the bouquet of flowers down in front of the stone, taking a knee to examine the engravements closer.

Your son stopped you, tugging on your dress to get your attention.

"Mommy, look! There's a man that looks like me on the other side of the gates", he sqeeked, pointing across the street.

You looked over at the graveyard to your left and tried to make out who it was. Your eyes squinted, trying to get a better eye at the man in red plaid. When you noticed who it was, you nearly dropped your groceries.

"AJ, take the bag", you instructed your child firmly.

Once he had hold of the plastic loops, you picked him up and carried him on your hip, making your way over to the cemetary.

You walked in and hustled over to who you thought it was. Slightly out of breath, you called out the name you haven't heard in over 5 years.


The man responded, standing up straight and keeping a stoic expression, as if trying to figure out who you were.

"Yes? May I help you?" He asked in question.

He didn't remember you.

You put AJ down gently, taking a step towards your brother-in-law. When you stepped forward, he stepped back.

"Who are you? How do you know my name?" He questioned with a firm tone.

His hands were forcefully shoved into the front pockets of his jeans, indicating he wanted nothing to do with you.

You heard AJ walk up behind you, standing in front of Matthieu without a problem. The small boy looked up at the other, a large, toothless smile on his face.

Matt's body nearly jerked from surprise. His hands coming back out to pick up the miniature being.

"Hi, Mister! My name's Allen Junior, but you can call me AJ", he said with a happy expression.

Matthieu was stumpped as he held the boy closer, tightly embracing him.

"Ah-? M-Mister, you'r s-squishing m-me", AJ said in a fake, strangled sentence.

"P-Please, be careful with him", you pleaded softly.

Matthieu held a shakey hand out to you, wanting you to join in. You hesitated from the action, not knowing what could happen.

"5 and a half years...and you won't even give your brother-in-law a much needed hug...?" He said in a shakey voice, as if about to cry.

You still hesitated, but aubmitted to his helplessness. Your arms wrapped around him in a hug, burrying your face into the crinckles of his shirt. You had almost forgotten the sweet scent of maple he gave off whenever you got close to him.

After a good 3 minutes, he pulled off the hug and you smiled up at him with teary eyes. He looked down at you in confusion.

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" He asked with a confused tone.

No way. He already forgot?

Your smile quickly faded when he asked, and you took AJ away from him.

"No one of consequence, I assure you", you answered with a hurt heart.

"...I have a feeling I know you from somewhere, though. Mind telling me your name?" Matthieu asked.

2P!Canada x Reader Fan Fiction: AmnesiaWhere stories live. Discover now