Day 2 (pt. 3)

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You wondered why this little fucker was still lingering around these parts. You hadn't seen him since high school, and he only now decided to come back. You narrowed your eyes at him, trying hard not to punch him square in the face.

"What the hell are you doing in here, Luciano?" you forcefully questioned.

He gave you a small shrug of unknowing.

"I don't know. I needed to come back to take care of a few things. And one of those things involves you and AJ", he explained.

"I'm assuming you already know, then? About AJ...", you stated with a heavy heart and irritation. 

He nodded in understanding.

"You might want to let him do it, too, _________", he started.

"For the love of God! How many times do I have to tell you idiots that I refuse to let it happe-"

"-You haven't spoken to Matthew...have you...?" he asked in concern, interrupting you as usual.

You scoffed at him, not knowing what his question had to do with anything. But, then again, you haven't spoken to anyone since Al passed away. Not that talking to Matthew would be an option; he was in a coma.

The only information you had about your group of friends was recent, and all of it was bad news. Julchen got into a car accident and died on impact, Matthew's in a coma, Lutz fell into a state of depression after she died and isolates himself in his home, and, as for Alice? 

Alice was living with Kuro, the bi-polar Japanese man you will never come to like, and they apparently got into a huge fight. 

Kuro drowned Alice in the bathtub late that night and suffocated under the water.

Kuro was thrown into jail a few weeks later for multiple murders, being tried for the cases of both Oliver and Alice and has been sentenced for life.

"He'll die, _________, if you don't let him. You know that, si...?" the annoying Italian explained once more.

"Not unless there is a 1P", you informed, trying to counter-attack the other.

"That's just it. He doesn't have one. Alfred never left behind a son, so the only one closest to him is AJ", Luciano said.

You knew very well what would happen if you didn't let AJ switch. You feared your son not being able to get through such a hardship. But you also feared the fact that, without a 1P, a 2P can't exist.

"________", Mattheiu interrupted as he walked up behind you.

You turned to look at him, waiting for him to continue his statement. 

".....I remember", he started again, "...this is the one who called me to come back here".


"What are you talking about, Matt? You mean to tell me that this", you pointed at Luciano, "called you back over here? Why?" you turned to the Italian in question.

"Because the doctors say they have a cure for his amnesia. Though, he may not like it...", he said.

"What are you talking about, Luciano?" you asked, now worried.

There was a long pause, and the man finally took a deep breath before answering.

"I went by to visit Matthew this morning and I asked to see him. Apparently, they checked him out as deceased almost 2 days ago", Luciano said bluntly.

You and Matt were both dumbfounded, unable to comprehend what he just said.

"What!?" Matt yelled.

"They want to transfer his brain into you so you can have his memories. but, you will also have a chunk of your original brain so you can remember things from up until now. I didn't ask anything else, they just told me to tell you to see if you were interested."

Luciano stood up and stretched out his legs and body, not exactly caring what the Canadian did with his life. You were still caught off guard from hearing that 1P Matt died. 

Then you remembered.

"Matthieu...I suggest you take the offer", you said in a stern tone.

"No", he protested.


"What difference will it make if I do get his brain!? I'll still die anyways, won't I? There's no point in getting back memories that won't be useful in death", he denied. 

"You tried to search for a reason for him to get it, but he wouldn't stop thinking about 'how useless' it's be.

"My days are numbered, and I can't do anything about it but wait until the clock hits zero."

You could hear his voice choke, and you wanted so desperately to help him. But, the only thing you would be able to do was e there for him every second of every day that passed.

You heard Luciano start to walk away, not wanting to be involved in the crying and tears that were soon to come from the grown man.

"I'm leaving. I cried enough in my life, and I found that it never solved anything", the obnoxious man scoffed.

"...Matthieu", he started up again.

Matt turned around to look at him, as if for the last time.

The Italian had to take a moment for himself, a hint of sadness rising in his throat as he spoke. He turned around to face the both of you, but directed his comment towards Matt. He gave a heartwarming smile as a tear was visible in his left eye, rolling down his cheek slowly.

"Ti aspetto per te...amico mio".

Matt couldn't help but give a smile back, knowing he'd heard that phrase before. He answered back as hopeful as possible.

"Ci vediamo lì", he answered.

With that, Luciano walked out.

You and Matt finished up what you were doing that day, taking him to the places you knew he liked. 

You even took him to the hospital where Al broke his arm from actually working. That memory made him laugh for moment, until it reminded him that he died in that same bed.

You showed him the room AJ was born in, the parks you and your friends would hang out at, and even the school you attended. 

But, each time you two walked outside, Matt seemed to be getting paler and paler.

You knew what was happening, you just tried to trick your mind into thinking that he wasn't getting enough sun.

But, deep down, you knew he had a timer.

His body was shutting down little by little, and his memory never seemed to change.

He didn't take the brain transplant from Matthew because it would only make him feel worse. The fact that he was completely unable to deal with the loss of his boyfriend was eating him from the inside out. And it was noticeable.

This continued for weeks, and there was no longer any sign of help that could be given.

You were losing yet another friend.

2P!Canada x Reader Fan Fiction: AmnesiaWhere stories live. Discover now