Day 2 (Pt. 1)

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You sat at the kitchen table early the next morning, staring at the chair across from you where Mattheiu had sat last night.

You wondered and worried if he still remembered you this morning, taking in a sigh from the thought. You ran a few fingers through your hair, trying your best to calm yourself down.

You heard footsteps walking up behind you, a blanket then wrapping itself over your shoulders. It was still warm. You looked up and to your right, seeing Mattheiu standing next to you. He wasn't looking at you, and it reminded you of the time when you two were caught in the rain.

When Allen was on a business trip for a week, Mattheiu stayed with you to keep you company. You were 6 months pregnant with AJ at the time, and Al worried about your safety.

Mattheiu and you were walking back home from the movies, and it suddenly started to rain. You didn't think it would pour that day, so you didn't wear a sweater with a hoodie. The both of you were stranded under a tree and it was getting colder and colder by the minute.

Seeing this, Mattheiu took off his coat and placed it over your shoulders, trying to keep you warm. With that same expression-blank and almost uncaring-he didn't look at you.

"...You'll catch a cold. Keep it on you until we get home", he instructed.

It was so warm and comforting, you nearly slid down the tree and fell asleep. You both ended up sitting down against the thick branch moments later, so you took the opportunity to take a nap, resting your head on Matt's left shoulder.

That was one of your favorite memories of him. He wasn't being as much of a hardass as he usually was around people, except his 1P boyfriend, Matthew.

You smiled up at him sweetly, pulling the sides closer into you.

"Thank you, Matt", you stated sweetly.

He glanced down at you, staring for a moment before smirking. You're eyes widened slightly at the small curl of his lips. sending shivers down your back like you used to get before the incident.

"You should really start wearing jackets with hods on them, __________. You'll get sick if you don't", he preached, just like he did years ago.

You couldn't find any words when he spoke. You were stunned yet confused. Did he really remember that? He was giving you that same expression from when you two were caught in the rain. Did he actually remember?

his face then went into surprise just by looking at you. He blinked in confusion, not knowing why you were making such a face at him.

"Eh? What with the face? Are you alright?" he asked in worry.

"How did you-...Do you remember that day?" you asked back, avoiding his question.

"What're you talking about, Mrs. Jones...? I didn't say anything", he said.

He forgot.

"...Matt....what happened to you...?"

The taller Canadian looked at you with a blank expression, shrugging his shoulders and giving a small smirk.

"I honestly wish I knew", he answered.

The room fell silent once again, and you were about to say something before there was a soft knock on the door.

You got up and walked to the front of the house, opening the wooden barrier. A flash of red and black flew past you and into AJ's room.

A loud scream was heard before it turned into laughter, seeing your son be carried out in the arms of your good friend, Roland Edelstein.

"Hallo, hallo, mein liebes Kind", the Austrian exclaimed happily.

You stood there with a facepalm, as Matt looked at the other with surprised confusion.

"You could at least call before just dropping in, Roland", you stated in slight irritation.

"Oh, come now, _______. Do you honestly think I could stay away from your schöne Nachkommen", he questioned with a smirk.

"We speak English in this house, Roddie", you rolled your eyes.

"Mommy, I like it when Uncle Roddie speaks German. It sounds so cool!" AJ grinned brightly.

You met Roland shortly after Al passed away. You too a 2 week vacation in Germany with Lutz and Julchen, visiting a few countries within Europe, one of them being Austria. You and Roland hated each other at first, seeing as he hated all of the things you enjoyed. But, he was very fond of AJ, and grew more than attached to him each day.

Once you both got home, Roland insisted you stay with him next summer, only so he could see AJ.

"Anyway, Roland, why are you here? Don't you have business back home?" you questioned the 2P.

The man in the blood red pea-coat set AJ down gently, looking back up at you with serious crimson eyes.

"We need to talk", he said in a serious tone, glancing over at Matthieu for a split second. His eyes narrowed slightly, as if hatred was present. He then looked back at you and guided you towards a study room.

"Listen, __________", he started, "This is the only time I'll be blunt with you, for the sake of AJ."

You waited for him to finish, as if there was this huge secret you didn't know about.

"A few other countries and I had a meeting about Allen, your late husband. We have come to the conclusion that AJ shall take his place as America. I know you'll object to the idea but-"

"-Absolutely not!" you interrupted harshly.

"__________, just listen for a moment-"

"-No way in hell am I letting him become a country! Do you know how much pain he'll have to go through just to be considered a colony!? I will not allow it. How dare you bring up such a terrible subject in my home!"

You were pissed. The thought of AJ going through something so harmful and dangerous crossed your mind multiple times, but this was the first verbal encounter of the actual situation. You remembered what Alfred told you about how hurt he was after the Revolution. He still had nightmares about it; even on his death bed.

Roland let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair.

"Sadly to say", he started again, pausing before giving you a loud grin.

"He has no choice".

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