Thomas is Analogically Royalty - Love to Last Three Days Part 2

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Logan's {POV}:

"3 DAYS!?!?" I shouted at Virgil, "I HAVE SO MUCH PAPERWORK TO DO!!! I CAN'T STAY LIKE THIS FOR 3 DAYS!!!!" I tried to get up but my head was immediately, but lightly, got my head pushed down my Virgil.

"Don't worry...I'll do your work for you, so you can stay here and rest." I felt a little happier about that and smiled.

"Thank you, Virgil, but...just so no one gets mad...try to think like ME when you do the work...ok?" Virgil nodded, "Great."

"I'll be back," Virgil said to me as he was about to open the door, "Just need to get you and I breakfast."

"See you then, Virgil" He opened the door to go on with his day.

Virgil's {POV}:

I've checked on Logan a few time today. I check off the calendar I have on a tiny notepad, "2 more days." I smile softly as Patton walks up to me, an angry but worried look on his face.

"Where's Logan!?!?" Patton shouted at me in fury, "I HAVEN'T SEEN HIM FOR THE WHOLE DAY!!! WHERE. IS. HE!!!"

I looked at him, very frightened. He's never been THIS mad before!! "Sorry, Pat...I don't know."

"WELL, IM GOING TO FIND HIM IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO!!!" He began charging towards Logan's room.

"WELL, THERE'S NO NEED TO CHECK THERE!" I look at heck! what am I supposed to do now!?!? "W-Well," I began, stumbling on my words, "I-I think he said he was going on a walk."

"Oh..." Pat said with an embarrassed look on his face, "W-Well...tell him to warn me next time...okay? I was worried."

"Alright, well, dad. I'll tell 'im next time." I laughed as I went into Logan's room to check on him.

"You know...You don't HAVE to sleep here this time..." Logan said as I placed a sleeping bag on the floor.

"And let you sneak out and do your work when you're supposed to rest? No way." I said as I got into the sleeping bag.

"If you're in the sleeping bag...and I can't get up...who's gonna turn on and off the lights?" Logan asked with a smug 'I-got-you-this-time' face.

I gave him the same face back and said, not to him, "Alexa," He looked in the direction of the new Alexa I got him, "Turn off the lights." and with that, the lights were off, and the first day was done.



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