Did I pass?

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The next day...

"*Yawn* Naruto wakie wakie!" "I'm up... I'm up." He said groggily, "Well here's your breakfast, I'm going to leave now because I have to do my test so don't dilly dally around ok." "Yeah yeah, ok." He said half-heartedly as I body flickered to the hokage.

"Yo! I'm here for my test!" I said excitedly, Can't wait to test my powers You are a sadist for sure HUH!? But how!? Because you enjoy harming another person just to test your strength Duh! Don't make it seem like I don't know what sadist means! (Well... She didn't deny it though)

"Ah yes, Kagura you came." Came an old but wise voice, "Oh hey Gramps! Who am I going to be fighting?" "About that, you will be fighting one of our Anbu member, this is fox. Fox this is Kagura the person you will be sparring against." Fox nodded, once the hokage introduced me.

"So... Where are we going to fight?" I asked, "Don't tell me we are going to fight in your office? Unless you want us to destroy that stack of paperwork then yeah." I murmured the last part as I heard Fox *Ahem* Itachi *Ahem* snicker under his breath.

The hokage pretended not to hear my words but I bet he wished I destroyed them, as he said, "No. You'll be fighting at the stadium. Fox, lead the way." Fox nodded once more as he walked towards the stadium.

At the stadium

"Alright this is just a spar, no killing, and you guys can use almost any types of chakra so... On the count of 3.
3......2...... 1... BEGIN!' The old man said, as I body flickered behind fox and feigned kicking him on the right, he fell for my trick as he dodged to his left, my foot instantly switched to my left as I kicked him on the head.

He got sent flying and made a crater on the floor, he sat up and spat out some blood, I guess I didn't fully controlled my strength, so 5% of it is out of the option unless necessary.

He then disappeared and appeared infront of me, is he trying to take me head on? I'm always up for a challenge though, his eye then showed the sharingan. The sharingan had no effect on me so I stared at him face on, when suddenly everything went whoozy. What the, I thought it has no effect on me!

Sharingan eye: Copied


"Mom?" I questioned as I saw a familiar figure, "MOM!" I screamed out loud in hopes of her hearing me, she however stood there as she smiled at me, I stood up and ran towards her sobbing, but she went further and further away.

"MOM!! DON'T LEAVE ME PLEASE!!! I NEED YOU!!" I screamed. Deep down inside I knew that this was the effect the sharingan gave me but her scent it's the same, suddenly weapons came out of nowhere and stabbed her, the worst part is I heard her scream...

Then everything went into darkness... I'm worthless... Pathetic...... Stupid...

Just when I wanted to give up a purple light shined brightly like the stars I barely managed to her Kura screaming -AKE UP BRAT! YOU'RE UNDER AN ILLUSION!


I said as I heard a bell ring in my head, my eyes widen just when I heard that I was under an illusion, it then crumbled and shattered into pieces like glass being broken.

End of Illusion

My eyes snapped open in fury "Y-you!" I seethed out, "Shall pay!" I shouted as I went with 10% of my speed towards him, I hit him again as he tried to dodge it, even with his sharingan my speed was quicker then how the eye of the sharingan can see.

I reincarnated as a tree in the Naruto world!! (Discontinued-)Where stories live. Discover now