Chapter 3

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The sound of a rumbling garbage truck woke you up unbearably early on Saturday. You snuggled into your blankets in an attempt to escape reality by falling back into the land of dreams once more. You hardly remembered the story your subconscious had conjured up as you slept, but you felt that it had been simply wonderful. What had it been about? You only had a hazy memory of segments of your dream. You decided to recount all of the events that had taken place in your mind as you slept in an attempt to fully remember it.

The grass under your bare feet was damp from the early morning dew as you ran, wearing a silky white dress. You giggled as you tackled the figure who was sitting at the foot of the great oak tree at the top of the lush hill you had been running up. The person laughed and tickled you, causing you to squirm and fall off of them.

"________, be more careful! I'm reading, see?" You looked up at the owner of the voice that had been speaking to you, gazing into his amber eyes. "You might damage my book someday!"

"Sorry, Kid..." You had replied, kissing him lightly on the cheek.

It had been about... Kid?

You bolted up into a sitting position, blushing deeply while covering your face in your hands. A smile crept its way onto your lips. Despite the fact the dream had been about Kid, it caused you to feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Or was it because of Kid that you felt this way?

You needed a walk out in the cool morning air to clear your head. You checked your phone, which was on the nightstand besides your bed. It was 7:48 am, so Kid was probably up. He never wanted to start the day until 8:00, meaning that if he went anywhere he'd probably be leaving soon.

You took a short shower, brushed your teeth, did your hair and got dressed as quietly and quickly as you could, glancing outside your window to see what the weather was like in order to wear suitable clothing. You finally decided on a red sweater, a black infinity scarf, black skinny jeans, and ankle boots.

After throwing your wallet, keys, laptop, headphones, phone, and a book into your messenger bag you opened the door to your room and peeked your head into the hallway cautiously. The coast was clear. As you silently crept through the hall you glanced at the clock to see it was 8:03. Then you tiptoed down the stairs, through the the kitchen and made it out the front door of Gallos Manor without being noticed by Patty, who was busy watching Happy Tree Friends while gnawing on a stuffed giraffe's head. A relieved sigh escaped your lips as you closed the door quietly behind you.

You were immensely glad that you hadn't run into Kid, because you could imagine that if you had, you would've blushed beet red and felt as if the butterflies in your stomach were riding roller coasters. Stuttering and awkwardness would also go along with the mix. It seemed that somehow your subconscious had developed a crush on Kid whilst the rest of your mind remained oblivious, and had decided to let you know by producing the dream you had last night. Just thinking about it caused your cheeks to turn a light shade of pink.

Did you really have a crush on Kid? Or was it just a strange dream that was completely unrelated to your feelings for Kid? Well, the reason you were on this little trip to downtown Death City was to clear your mind and help you answer these questions.

Ahead of you was the bus stop, so you walked a little more quickly and sat down without even glancing at the people besides you. You always found it awkward to be in close proximity to strangers, so you rarely made eye contact. Still feeling awkward sitting with people you didn't know in complete silence, you decided to pull out your headphones and phone to listen to some music.

You set your favorite playlist to shuffle and waited patiently for the bus to come. The plan was to go downtown and walk to Deathbucks where you could think in peace. You'd probably stay there awhile so you could try to figure out what was going on with your feelings for Kid, and maybe work on a paper you had to write for Professor Stein's class. Then you planned to just walk around window shopping or browsing expensive boutiques that always drew so many tourists in. You might even go to the library to finish the book you were reading. Hopefully by the time you returned home you would have made up your mind about wether you liked Kid or not.

You looked up as you heard the bus pull up in front if you. Standing up, you put away your headphones and stuffed your phone into your pocket. As you walked up the steps to the bus, you tripped, causing the person behind you to bump into you. This resulted in the two of you tangled in each others limbs in a little heap on the floor of the bus. The stranger jumped up immediately, while saying,

"Sorry, oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, are you okay?"

You rubbed your head, already feeling what was going to be a pretty big bump. Looking up, the first characteristic of the individual that you noticed was three, white lines that went half way around their hair.

Oh God.

"________? What are you doing here?"

Standing before you and holding his hand out in an attempt to offer to help you up was none other than Death the Kid.

I.O.U. (A Death The Kid x Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now