Chapter 4

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You sat awkwardly across from Kid at Deathbucks, nervously twisting the sleeve of your sweater under the table. After bumping into him on the bus and explaining where you were going, Kid had suggested you go to Deathbucks together, since he was planning on going there anyways.

"Really, Kid? I thought you were a powerful Shinigami, not a common white girl." You had giggled, patting Kid lightly on the back.

"How does that have to do with anything? Deathbucks is very good you know..." The pale boy mumbled. He was staring out the bus window, but in the reflection you swore you saw his cheeks turn pink with an embarrassed look set upon his features. You giggled again.

"I'm only teasing Kid. I love the Deathbucks too, silly. Anyone can go to Deathbucks without being a 'common white girl'. I'm not even exactly sure what a 'common white girl' really is or if it's actually a thing."

"Yeah, me too. That's why I was a bit confused when you said that. We sure do think alike, don't we, ________? That's one of the many things I really like that about you." Kid had said, looking away from the bus window and turning to meet your (eye color) eyes with his beautiful amber ones.

You felt your face heat up as you recalled the moment, causing you to bury your face in your hands at the thought. The action had come subconsciously, you didn't think about how Kid would notice and react.

"Are you okay ________? You look a little red. Do you have a fever?" Kid reached across the table, leaning close to you and gently placing his hand on your forehead. You felt even more heat rush to your face when Kid was in such a short proximity to you. A look of alarm passed over the young Shinigami's features as he felt your temperature. You squealed internally at his adorable shocked expression and thought to yourself,

Oh my gosh, he's really cute.

You shook your head, as if the motion would fling the thought out of your mind.

No, ________, you can't like Kid. You reprimanded yourself.

It would never work out. Kid is a Shinigami, but you're just a partnerless Meister. You haven't even known him for a year, and you live in the same home. Imagine how awkward it would be if he found out, you wouldn't even be able to avoid him or anything...

You were drawn out of you nervous thoughts by Kid pressing his lips to your forehead delicately. In romance novels, the protagonist always describes their love-interest's lips as soft and warm, yet Kid's were not so. His pale lips were chapped and cold as ice, but they still caused butterflies to flutter chaotically in your stomach and your heart to skip a beat.

Unfortunately, this moment was over in a second, because as soon as Kid kissed your forehead, he quickly sat back down, glancing away.
Your mind went all fuzzy, still dazed from what had just happened. You wanted to say something, ask what that had been about, but even when you opened your mouth to speak no words came out. After sitting in an uncomfortable silence for a few minutes, you were finally able to mumble a quiet sentence.

"Uh, um, I, err- Excu-cuse me." You stammered, slowly rising from your seat across from Kid. As soon as you stood up, you rushed as fast as you could to the nearest bathroom.
Closing the door behind you, you let out a shaky breath as you slid to the floor with your back against the nearest wall. Placing your head in your hands, you whispered to yourself,

"Did that really just happen?" You touched your forehead softly, right where the Shinigami boy had kissed you only moments before.

I don't know what to do... You thought to yourself. I don't know what to think. I've never liked anybody before, nor has anyone ever liked me... Wait, who said anything about Kid liking me? And do I even like Kid? I mean, maybe we're just like siblings or friends... Do friends do that? Is it a sibling thing? Would a brother kiss his sister on the forehead if he was worried about her and thought she wasn't feeling well? I mean, we have lived in the same home for six months, maybe he only sees me as a sister. Yeah that's right. Must be a sibling thing.

I.O.U. (A Death The Kid x Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now